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Jed and Billee need help

  • Thank you for all your help

      19 September 2024
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    Sad update. Unfortunately Jeds Cancer has gone wild an he is not happy an has now got some pain. We are booking him him early next week to send him over to our family an pet family on the other side. Removing his leg wouldn't of helped, he's struggling with this leg not working properly now, we believe the cancer had already spread as he's had a few more lumps pop up.

    I know he will be happy on the other side. He's not himself. We just want one more weekend with him.

    Good News Billee Boo our cat is still doing well. He will be on meds an special biscuits all his life but he's worth it.

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  • Update about Jed's Biopsy

      2 September 2024

    We got sad news about Jed about 6 days ago. Apparently his full biopsy they took during surgery has come back as Cancer. So the first biopsy with the needle when it was smaller did not pick it up.

    The Vet said they could operate again, but they would have to take his leg, shoulder and any other area they could find it. Its a slow growing cancer, that grows through muscles etc. Apparently chemo wont help. The operation would start at $2500 depending on how much they have to cut out. If they get all of it there is still a 7% chance it will return BUT they would have to find all of it. If any is left in it will grow again. We have decided to not go with the surgery.

    We are going to give him the best time of his life that he has got. The vet says its slow growing. but its obvious its been growing for awhile. Jed is not in any pain. So we are giving him treats, we are still taking him out ( he limps) but hes happy.

    if we need to we will take him on a cart.

    Billee so far is doing well on his medications and vet biscuits.

    I have had to take some of the money from here to pay some of their bill so they know that i will pay it. please keep sharing we so appreciate it, new photos this week

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  • Update they have had their operations.

      23 August 2024
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    Billee my beautiful boy cat has had to have two operations for his stones. The vet has suggested that he be put to sleep if it keeps happening. He is home with special biscuits, medication to keep him relaxed and anti-inflammatory. Its killing me. as i feel like im celebrating every moment he is doing anything normal. and worrying about him everytime he goes to the toilet. We are keeping him inside so he has no chance of eating any wrong cat food. he was born with a narrow urethra and we hoped the operations at 1 years would work. but now at 5yrs we have these issues. So its a day to day for Billee at this stage. Jeds operation was on Monday. The Vet rang us when then had opened him. they found the growth was intertwined with his muscles. they asked did we want his leg removed. The only thing was they felt that it would grow back. its now cancer its a solid mass. We decided a quality of life is better than quantity of life. so they closed him up and he still has his lump. It will keep growing through his muscles but its not giving him pain. he has a slight limp. if needs me we can make him a cart so he can get around with his back legs. if he has pain or discomfort then we will let him go. All together the vet bill has been $2700 we had to borrow $1000 for them to do the surgery. so we still have a vet bill of $1700 We cant thank everyone enough for any donation and sharing our page you are keeping me sane

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