Jess needs our help ❤️‍🩹

$39,335 donated
Given by 291 generous donors in 4 weeks

Please help me support Jess & Norbert though this really tough time ❤️‍🩹

Morrinsville, Waikato

3 weeks ago after experiencing seizures & headaches my sister Jess was diagnosed with a brain tumour … surgery to remove the bulk of the tumour took place on Tuesday 16th May … but unfortunately the surgery confirmed our worst fears … Jess has another tumour which is in-operable because it is in the middle of her brain … therefore not as much of the original tumour was removed as hoped & she has stage 4 cancer and has been given maximum of 1 year to live … potentially months. Jess has 6 children Thomas 13, Anastasia 10, Marie 7, Veronica 6, Celine 3, Nico 7 months … and of course her husband Norbert. Norbert has had to take 1 year of unpaid leave so he can take over running the farm & kids for Jess. Jess truly is someone that would never ask for help herself but I know that they really really need it … they are down to one income & are needing to hire help with either the kids or the farm as Jess can no longer work on the farm or drive as her sight is impaired … Jess is the most selfless & giving person I have ever met & now she really needs help herself … please help me to raise some funds to help get this family of 8 through this tough time … 🫶🏼❤️ this money will be used to help them construct an entrance to their house (currently it consists of pallets which are very slippery), purchase of medicines & natural remedies to help Jess fight this thing, money for groceries, kids costs, and daily living expenses ❤️

Gabrielle Deane's involvement (page creator)

Jess is my sister

Use of funds

Living expenses, treatments, help for Jess around the house & with kids 🫶🏼

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UPDATE ON JESS ❤️  7 July 2023

I just wanted to post an update for everyone - firstly the donations made i still can’t believe $39,000 was raised for Jess, Norbert & the kids … honestly this is life changing money for them & has really helped in ways hard to describe.. it has enabled them to buy an 8 seater van & cover many living & family costs that now that the farm income has dropped so much due to bad season & sale of some Cows .. this money is literally life saving!

5 weeks post surgery the tumour that was removed had fully returned & 2 new tumours were found - so now 4 in total so the cancer is extremely aggressive so the decision was made to start chemo & radiation immediately as it is growing so fast. Jess is 2 weeks into it so far …she has it 5 days a week in Hamilton - unfortunately it is making her very very sick & yesterday she was so sick so she was taken to hospital where she still is at this moment which makes things really hard for Norbert who is running the farm on his own & managing 6 children - Nico being 9 months old. The good news is that the money raised has helped them to hire an Opair Maria who is 18 who will live with the family & look after the children full time from this Monday so this is extremely helpful!

As Jess would say - please pray for her as she battles this tough time & the next 4 weeks of chemo & radio & hopefully she stays well enough to finish the course.

Thank you everyone for all your prayers & help to my amazing sister Jess & her family ❤️

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Mayuri on 21 Jun 2023
Thinking of you Jess 🩵
Sarah on 21 Jun 2023
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 21 Jun 2023
Thinking of you and your wee family Jess. Your journey is a tough one. Hoping that the money donated will at least take that worry away so that you can spend special time with your family.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 21 Jun 2023
Our prayers are with you.
Ellen on 20 Jun 2023
Jess, you are a lady of amazing grace. xox ellen We're Praying for you!

Who's involved?

Gabrielle Deane's avatar
Created by Gabrielle Deane
Jessica Van Leeuwen's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Jessica Van Leeuwen
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This campaign started on 21 May 2023 and ended on 21 Jun 2023.