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John Ashton

  • Update for 28/01/2014

      28 January 2014

    From John & Louise, We would like to thank everyone who has donated to our cause. We have been overwhelmed by everyonefs generosity. And now, any money raised will be doubly valuable, as the discovery of an ALK mutation in my cancer has opened up the possibility for targeted treatment. ALK inhibitors have given some people with lung cancer sustained remissions, and in general the drugs have been far superior to chemotherapy for those harbouring the mutation. What is more, second generation drugs are emerging which have shown efficacy in people who have cancer that has become resistant to crizotinib, the first in class drug of this type. We hope to gain access to crizotinib or a similar drug. If this requires travel then the money that has been raised will be invaluable. What is more, it has been found that premetrexed is most effective for cancers with the ALK mutation, making this drug an even better option than before for the future. In the meantime, since docetaxel is having some effect we will continue with that until it can no longer be used. One thing is for sure, the range of possibilities for treatment has expanded, and the value of everyonefs generosity and kindness has increased with it. I (John) am in good health still in terms of symptoms of the cancer, and am tolerating the chemotherapy sufficiently to continue a full course. During the recovery phase of my therapy I am able to exercise and continue to be active. In fact I am probably more fit in this respect than 8 months ago. Fortunately, not only has there been some local regression of the cancer (i.e., in the lungs) but it has also not progressed distally to other organs. At present we intend to be in Dunedin for the start of the second semester. Should we be able to obtain an ALK inhibitor to treat my cancer after I finish treatment on docetaxel, the odds are very good that I will remain in good health through much of 2014 and perhaps longer. Thank you all from John and family once again.

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  • Update for 20/01/2014

      20 January 2014

    Some good news to report. First, after 2 rounds of docetaxel the primary tumour had shrunk enough for a partial reinflation of the lung lobe it is in, and the density of the secondaries in the other lobes has reduced somewhat. So, John is carrying on to 6 full cycles. Herefs hoping the trend continues. Secondly, genetic testing of the tumour has found an ALK rearrangement opening up possibilities for targeted treatment. A very positive step forward.

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