Johnny-Angel wheels for an Angel

$945 donated
Given by 19 generous donors in around 7 months

Johnny-Angel brings joy to people through his passion for music and art. He shares his gift of his own free will and expense.


It would be nice to help Johnny-Angel because he is such a caring thoughtful person unto others by sharing his passion for singing and drawing with the community.

He has created a Samoan Super Hero Comic book (The Adventures of Afi) to support Pacifica culture and has personally delivered and donated his comic book to many schools and libraries.

Johnny-Angel has also visited many schools to do art workshops to inspire children's art and literacy. He also used his animation skills to help create a DVD for students doing a business project.

Johnny-Angel is an Elvis Tribute singer and has brought joy to many people as he gives his own time to perform shows for the RSA's, Mental Health System, Rest homes, Clubs and other community events.

Johnny-Angel worked hard to get his previous car, looked after it for many years and was very proud of it. Until he accidentally put brake fluid into his oil sump (as the containers were similar). Hence the car motor was ruined.

The loss of this car means he cannot continue to help others with his community activities, due to transport limitations and time. As Johnny-Angel is an animation student this means he has limited funds to save for an replacement car.

I hope people will donate to this cause so Johnny-Angel can get mobile again and travel all over Auckland doing this wonderful cause.

Johanna Bax's involvement (page creator)

I am a good friend of Johnny-Angel. I have seen him supporting these charities, events, presentations and the joy it brings to young and old alike. All at his own expense and time.

Johnny-Angel is a real GOOD SORT.

Latest donations

Faavae Fetuao
Faavae Fetuao on 02 Jul 2015
To my USO....but your not an
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 12 Jun 2015
Angels everywhere!! You inspire me Uso Well Done!
Reuben on 15 May 2015
Happy Birthday bro! Hope your doing well.
Rambo on 14 May 2015
You are a hero just like me
Johanna Bax
Johanna Bax on 13 May 2015
Happy Birthday Johnny-Angel. Another donation from me for your wheels so hopefully you can go to events to make the elderly and young happy with your singing and activities.

Who's involved?

Johanna Bax's avatar
Created by Johanna Bax
Johnny-Angel Eneliko Laulu's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Johnny-Angel Eneliko Laulu
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This campaign started on 24 Feb 2015 and ended on 25 Sep 2015.