Boards, Bikes and Slates for Mozambique

$3,391 of $10,000 goal
Given by 29 generous donors in 6 weeks

Communities like Angoche need bikes for transport and tools to teach. We're raising money for bikes and blackboards to help them succeed.


For 20 years teams from New Zealand have travelled to Angoche, Mozambique to support local communities and their leaders. Now we need your help.

Each year we raise funds to help purchase bikes and blackboards - the bikes help adults get to and from work easily. The blackboards help local children be educated. This year we're also aiming to raise funds for slates too.

Last year we raised $5,000 for bikes, boards and we were able to help build an open-air building, providing much-needed shelter from the sun for children attending school.

This year we want to double our efforts - our goal is $10,000: $100 per bike or $50 per blackboard. That's all it takes to make an incredible difference.

All money raised goes directly to the community. Please give generously.

About us

We're a Project Management and Quantity Surveying firm based in Christchurch, NZ, with a heart for helping. We created the Joseph & Associates Foundation so we could take our passion for people and turn it into real assistance for those in our community, and offshore, who need help the most. All money raised goes directly to those who need it.

We're proud of the work we do and we use this page to share our stories and details of events. We ask that you treat this page and the people involved with respect.

If you would like to find out more, please head to our website

Use of funds

We use funds to buy bicycles for adults in Angoche, to purchase blackboards for teachers to educate children and slates to help children learn. Any excess funds will be funnelled directly to fuel football fever!

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Latest donations

Mike on 05 Oct 2018
Great effort Tony and the team, fantastic gifts for people who are born into poverty
Jaclyn Pow
Jaclyn Pow on 02 Oct 2018
Best wishes for the trip!
Richard on 02 Oct 2018
All the best for reaching your target and a successful trip this year Tony
Cath Stanton
Cath Stanton on 29 Sep 2018
Fiona & Hew McConnell
Fiona & Hew McConnell on 27 Sep 2018
Great work Joseph & co, thank you.

Who's involved?

The Joseph & Associates Limited Foundation's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, The Joseph & Associates Limited Foundation (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 29 Aug 2018 and ended on 10 Oct 2018.