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Joshua Hetherington - living life to the max!

$5,416 donated
Given by 48 generous donors in around 12 months

Help Josh live his life to the max!


Our main man Josh has had the shock of his life. At 15, a brain tumour (Glioblastoma Multiforme or GBM) was found on the right side of his temporal lobe. It’s important that we recognise this was the moment things changed for him… no more just plodding along… it’s time to get out there and start fitting a life time of experiences into all possible moments.

Being on the other side of the world, Josh’s extended family often wonder “what can we do?” “How can we help?”. So, aside from the general support being given for all of his medical issues, this Aunty has decided to get a fund together to focus on the treatment of the soul, the heart and the happiness over the coming year.

And we are going to go big!

So I am asking that you dig into the deep recesses of your sofa, your secret stash in your top drawer or back of the freezer to help contribute to get Josh the experiences in life every person deserves…

But more than that... what would you recommend Josh have a go at?

Remember back to your teenage years – when you thought you were infallible, untouchable and the bees knees… what awesomeness happened in your life to make you as fabulous, fun and strong as you are now?

Tania Stuart's involvement (page creator)

I am Josh's Aunty, and like most of you, stuck miles away from Josh (and Tony/Debbie) so helping out is a little hard to do... but fundraising to make Josh's life fun when there are so many hard times ahead - that we can do!

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Latest update

How time has been flying  3 November 2015

It's been some time since there has been an update, mostly as life has been moving so fast. Since Tania's visit, Pop-Pop (Bruce) has been, so too have Nana and Poppa (Doris and John), and by the end of the week, Na's, Bek and Lily well be knocking on Josh's door. So it's been a full house!

Everyone has been both a great help and a welcome distraction from some of the harsh realities of treatment. http://www.team-josh.com/index.php/2015/09/28/september-28-2/

But now for the good news, after graduating from the first round of radiation and chemo, the follow-up MRI looks as good as you could possibly hope. No regrowth and the spot they were uncertain of is resolving. The big ‘shark bite’ hole left by the surgeries is almost no more.

Plus Team Josh has been plugging away on as many great experiences as they can fit in, and we thank you and others who have contributed with wonderful opportunities to get him there:

*Driving a Lamborghini around a race track (and importantly, it was red!)

*Followed by real-life go carting with friends

*Hot Air Ballooning (donated by Fantasy Ballooning)

*An internship at The Biscuit Factory

*Flying with a friend over Denver (Thanks to the wonderful Thunda-Briggs family)

*And now - he's world famous... Josh is on the news! See the article here - http://kdvr.com/2015/11/02/boys-dream-soars-after-cancer-diagnosis/

And as you can imagine with all those visitors, some great family time.

For photos and blow-by-blow updates, see:






Josh has been coming to terms with his diagnosis and treatments. And his eyes are opening to possibilities and opportunities, I think this is why he has now grown his To Do list of activities!

So if it's not too much trouble, keep those ideas flowing... either through here, or Facebook or email!

Thanks to every one of you, again and again.

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Mackenzie, Riley, Vicki and Mark Brewer
Mackenzie, Riley, Vicki and Mark Brewer on 02 Dec 2015
Mackenzie, Riley, Vicki and Mark Brewer
Mackenzie, Riley, Vicki and Mark Brewer on 09 Nov 2015
Mandy on 17 Oct 2015
Sending more love an positive thoughts. Would be great to see you all down under!
Vicki, Mark, Mackenzie and Riley Brewer
Vicki, Mark, Mackenzie and Riley Brewer on 08 Oct 2015
Tikao Whanau
Tikao Whanau on 25 Sep 2015
Kia Ora Josh from New Zealand, we are friends with your Aunty Becky. YOU ARE A SOURCE OF INSPIRATION AS YOU FIGHT THIS CHALLENGE, GET WELL SOON. Thinking of you. Kia Kaha - Michele, Roy and Ruby Tikao

Who's involved?

Tania Stuart's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Tania Stuart on behalf of Joshua Hetherington
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This campaign started on 2 Aug 2015 and ended on 31 Jul 2016.