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Joss's New Hart Walker

$4,011 donated
Given by 59 generous donors in 9 weeks

With the support of the Lions Clubs we are raising money to help Joss stand proud and race to the finish line in a Hart Walker.


Joss is a vibrant and engaged 7 year old boy with Cerebral Palsy. Born at 23 weeks and weighing in at 550 grams, Joss is truly a gift. As a result of his Cerebral Palsy Joss has significant gross motor disabilities effecting all 4 of his limbs and core function. This prevents him from standing, sitting, crawling and walking. Joss is intellectually bright, beautiful sunny and hilariously funny. Joss desperately wants to be with his able-bodied friends, kicking a ball, standing in line and needs the Hart Walker to "walk" among his peers. This equipment will aid him tremendously, not just with his freedom today but physically from now into his late teens. You can see the power of the Hart Walker at:

Thank you for taking the time to read Joss story.

Liza Patel's involvement (page creator)

I am Joss's Mum and with the support of the Lions Clubs we are attempting to raise funds to buy my son this vital piece of equipment.

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Latest update

Target Reached  2 June 2015

I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who supported us. I am very happy to say that we have reached our target and Joss's walker will now be ordered. Thank you doesnt seem enough but thank you, thank you, thank you.

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body & soul massage
body & soul massage on 02 Jun 2015
All the best to you Joss! Enjoy your new walker and the freedom it will give you!
Greer, Anna, Ben & James
Greer, Anna, Ben & James on 01 Jun 2015
With loads of love and thoughts from us to you! The walker looks amazing and we look forward to seeing Joss in his very own. We're sorry we weren't here for the big walk fundraising day, it looked brilliant xx
francesca on 30 May 2015
Go Joss!
P Bennett
P Bennett on 27 May 2015
Marieve's friends
Marieve's friends on 27 May 2015
We really hope your huge fundraising efforts get that equipment asap !

Who's involved?

Liza Patel's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Liza Patel
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This campaign started on 25 Mar 2015 and ended on 2 Jun 2015.