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Joyce Family Support

  • Joyce Family Update

      11 June 2024
    Posted by: John Joyce

    The Joyce family would like to take this opportunity to share their immense gratitude for the outpouring of kindness and support from far and wide, that has been offered to them, and Nigel and Marjan's beautiful girls over the past few weeks.

    We acknowledge that things are tough for a lot of people at the moment, but the generosity that has been shown is truely overwhelming.

    We would also like you all to know that the girls continue to be loved and cared for by the family, as they work through this difficult period and move into the next phase of our lives.

    Kia kaha ... ❤

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  • Update on Marjan

      6 June 2024
    Main image

    It is with a heavy heart that I share the news of Marjan's passing this morning.

    For those who knew her, let us remember her for her beautiful nature and how her kindness always brought out the best in everyone. She and Nigel will now shine bright together, one big, sparkly star.
They have left behind two wonderful children, in whom we can see their shining spirit.

    Marjan was a truly remarkable person who left a lasting impact on those around her. This photo reminds me of Emily—she gave Emily her smile, such a beautiful soul. Her legacy will live on through her children and family and the many lives she touched with her kindness and beautiful nature.

    May Marjan and Nigel rest in peace, and may their memory continue to bring comfort and inspiration to all who knew them.

    Thank you to everyone for your generous donations and support to the Joyce family. The Joyce family cannot express enough gratitude for all the thoughts, prayers, and contributions during this difficult time. Thank you again to all. 💔

    Warm regards,


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  • Update on Nigel & Marjan

      4 June 2024

    Dear Friends,

    Thank you to everyone who has kindly donated to the Joyce family. The overwhelming response of donations has brought immense support to them.

    When I told Marjan about the Give a Little page, she was moved to tears. She brought her head to her hands in disbelief and mentioned there are many others in need of support, but her tears of happiness shone through in this moment.

    Sadly, Nigel passed away on Friday 31 May, with his sister by his side. May his kind and gentle soul now rest in peace, free from the struggle imposed by the brain tumour. Marjan is currently in hospice care and is being kept comfortable.

    Thank you to each and every one of you who have donated. Every single bit helps as the Joyce family prepares for the next chapter in life and supports the girls on their new path. Your contributions help keep the memory of their parents alive and aid the girls in thriving and growing in their new normal, surrounded by a caring and amazingly supportive family.

    Kind regards,

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    • 11/06/2024 by Gay

      I just want to leave love and best wishes to all the family. I'm so glad that the girls have you all.