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Let's help get one of NZ's Most Successful Judo Player to Oceania Championships

$395 donated
Given by 13 generous donors in 4 weeks

Please help us in assisting getting one of NZ's most successful Judo Player to one last International competition


We hope to raise enough to send Sensei Graeme Spinks to the 2016 Oceania Judo Union Championships held in Canberra Australia.

Sensei Spinks is synonymous with Judo in New Zealand. He has represented New Zealand at two Olympic Games and was a Silver Medalist at the 1990 Commonwealth Games and 1992 Commonwealth Tournament. He still actively competes and has the record for the most wins at Judo nationals of anyone in NZ. Last year he won gold in the Senior Men's division against many athletes less than half his age.

Probably most impressive has been his passion to give so much back to the sport that he loves. He has been a coach for over 35 years passing his knowledge and skill onto thousands of Martial Artists around New Zealand since the age of 18. He has also worked with the NZ police in teaching restraint techniques as well as coaching and developing tackling skills for the Canterbury Crusaders and Samoan Rugby Sevens team.

His commitment to help others has seen him volunteer an extraordinary amount of time without expectation for recognition, reward or gain. His character personifies the embodiment of humility.

We hope to raise enough to not only assist Sensei Spinks to compete in the Oceania Championships but also attend the 3 day training camp that immediately follows the tournament. His contribution to the training camp is matched by his ability to extract valuable expertise from the attendees that he can bring back and share with the dedicated athletes in New Zealand.

Karl Varley's involvement (page creator)

I have known Sensei Spinks for over 25 years through my involvement with Martial Arts. For the last 3 years he has been the coach for myself and my son. In this time he has coached my son to win at a National level and earn a selection to represent New Zealand. My son's first international tournament will be the Oceania Championships and it would mean a great deal for all of us if he could share this experience with his coach.

Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 19 Mar 2016
Good luck kick some ass
Tom Foubister
Tom Foubister on 16 Mar 2016
Former student of Sensei Spinks. He totally deserves every cent raised. Great person, with a heart for the community!
Haley Elliott
Haley Elliott on 16 Mar 2016
Victoria on 16 Mar 2016
Good Luck in Canberra!!
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 16 Mar 2016

Who's involved?

Karl Varley's avatar
Created by Karl Varley
Graeme Spinks's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Graeme Spinks
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This campaign started on 1 Mar 2016 and ended on 4 Apr 2016.