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Help us keep rescued food fresh with a cool room!

  • Miss a Meal in May update

      18 May 2012

    Thanks to everyone who has donated to our cool room fund so far. We are humbled by your support. We're halfway through our Miss a Meal in May campaign and have so far raised almost $2000 towards our cool room. Woo hoo, we're 1/10th of the way there! Today, Kiwibank are having a bake sale for Kaibosh. This weekend, Sarah is hosting a pot luck dinner for her friends. Next week it's Miss a Meal in May day. What have you got planned for your organisation?

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  • Note about the coolroom

      12 April 2012

    Please note that the coolroom in the photo is just an example as we do not have actual photos of the new coolroom we have been quoted for. The funds will be used for building, installation, electrical wiring, flooring and internal shelving of the coolroom. We will also be keeping a reserve for the uninstallation/removal and rebuild of the coolroom so that we can take it with us if/when we need to move location. If, by some chance, the fundraised amount is more than the actual cost of the coolroom etc, the funds will go towards Kaibosh's operating costs and helping us rescue food!

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