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Help Kai get life saving surgery

  • Health Update

      17 April 2024
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    Unfortunately over the last month or so my condition has rapidly deteriorated, leaving me dependant on a feeding tube and a port in my chest to sustain my nutrition and hydration. I am unable to continue working in the job I had, and I have had to leave my Vet Nursing studies. I am still looking for a job that is more suited around my health, however the costs that arise from my health have made things incredibly difficult for me.

    It has been confirmed that my only option to have any relief from the most severe symptoms I experience is surgery. Currently my only option for surgery is in Germany, at the total cost of $160-180k. This is an impossible cost to meet alone for a surgery that is needed now more than ever before.

    It has been an incredibly difficult and challenging journey, but in the meantime I am continuing with my volunteer work, and just taking each day as it comes as until I am one day able to have surgery. I am incredibly greatful for all the support and any donations that have been made so far. I couldn't have made it this far without it.

    Much love, Kai.

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  • Diagnosis & Surgery

      30 December 2023
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    Please read my "newly edited" page. I have finally found out what is causing my illness and after tests, I have received two diagnoses from specialists here in NZ and Germany: I have hEDS and AVCs . These specialists say that the hEDS and AVCs are causing my awful symptoms. Thank you so much for all your donations that have helped me finally figure this out after being sick for 4 years! I will now begin trying to fundraise for AVCs decompression surgery in Germany to help relieve some of my debilitating symptoms. If I am able to undergo surgery, it would hopefully mean I start getting some of my life back. Although still a long journey from here, I couldn't have got this far without your donations to help me access specialists. If you could please share my new updated page with your networks to help me achieve funds for surgery, it would be much appreciated. I hope I can start getting my life back soon.

    Thank you, Kai.

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  • Diagnosis

      15 October 2023
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    Dear supporters,

    I’m incredibly grateful for your ongoing support and generosity towards my medical tests. I wanted to give an update to tell you all how thankful I am and to let you know that I have begun the necessary steps to get a diagnosis. I have been lucky enough that Kiwis Together charity helped me to pay for an appointment with a leading Ehlers Danlos specialist in Auckland- Fraser Burling and he has diagnosed me with hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (hEDS). hEDS Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (hEDS) is a genetic connective tissue disorder. This disorder causes many different significant issues that explain lots of my symptoms. The next stage for me now is to send scans to Germany of my abdomen to check for a rare complication of hEDS called abdominal vascular compression syndrome AVCs which is very serious.

    Your contributions have had a significant impact, both financially and emotionally. I will keep you updated and I’m so grateful for your presence on this journey. Thank you

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