Health Update
17 April 2024Unfortunately over the last month or so my condition has rapidly deteriorated, leaving me dependant on a feeding tube and a port in my chest to sustain my nutrition and hydration. I am unable to continue working in the job I had, and I have had to leave my Vet Nursing studies. I am still looking for a job that is more suited around my health, however the costs that arise from my health have made things incredibly difficult for me.
It has been confirmed that my only option to have any relief from the most severe symptoms I experience is surgery. Currently my only option for surgery is in Germany, at the total cost of $160-180k. This is an impossible cost to meet alone for a surgery that is needed now more than ever before.
It has been an incredibly difficult and challenging journey, but in the meantime I am continuing with my volunteer work, and just taking each day as it comes as until I am one day able to have surgery. I am incredibly greatful for all the support and any donations that have been made so far. I couldn't have made it this far without it.
Much love, Kai.