Te Kohanga Reo o Kakariki Outdoor Classroom

$290 donated
Given by 10 generous donors in around 6 months

Our big dream is to design and build an outdoor classroom to enhance the learning of the tamariki


An outdoor classroom is a natural play space in a living area. It is an imaginative, creative, exploratory playground that engages the senses of the tamariki. This space will be inspired by the stories of the Waitakere such as the Patupaiarehe, minimizes impacts on Papatuanuku through up cycling and a space that allows the child to play freely, to feel the earth beneath their feet and under their fingernails.

About us

Te Kohanga Reo o Kakariki is situated in Glen Eden, Tamaki Makaurau, Auckland. We are dedicated to the preservation of te reo me ona tikanga maori for children from birth through to six years of age.

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Latest donations

Bernadette and Ruka
Bernadette and Ruka on 04 Apr 2016
Loved watching the movie with whanau even though we got their accidentally. Goo luck with the fund raising.
Sarah Trotman
Sarah Trotman on 01 Apr 2016
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 30 Mar 2016
Natacha on 23 Mar 2016
Nadia on 22 Mar 2016
What an awesome plan for a mean as playground... Good luck!!!

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Te Kohanga Reo o Kakariki (School)
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This campaign started on 14 Mar 2016 and ended on 31 Aug 2016.