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Karanga! The Who, What, Where, When, How and Why Karanga must live on.

  • Karanga Book

      1 November 2023
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    Kia ora everyone, My Karanga book is still coming. Firstly, thank you all so very much for your support. Due to the flooding of our village and Kurawaka property things got slightly off course and has taken me a while to refocus my thoughts and energy. So now we are getting on track again and are in discussion mode with a great publisher. Karanga is a sacred part of our cultural practices that we enact on our marae every time we welcome visitors on and into our marae complexes. I sincerely thank you all for your encouragement and support and I wish you all the best for the rest of 2023. This year has been challenging for all of us and now we are looking forward to a warm summer. Mauri ora ki a koutou katoa. E hara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari taku toa, he toa takitinii e. My strength and success are not mine alone, it is the result of the many supporters and whanau and those of te ao wairua. He tino mihi ki a koutou.

    I will keep you posted on the progress as we move forward.

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  • Mid year Up Date whanau!

      29 June 2023
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    E hara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa taki tini e!

    My success is not mine alone, but a result of the many involved!

    It is with much gratitude that I thank you all for supporting me in this journey, thus far. Times are very disjointed at the moment, and I am truly trying to get myself back on track. Which I will do. Thank you for believing in me.

    arohanui Whaea TeRaina. and Whanau

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  • Me aro koe ki te hā o Hineahuone!

      26 May 2023

    Just breath, deep within your wharetangata, hold that energy, gently release the air out as if you were blowing a beautiful fairy up into the sky: repeat 10 times and relax while you do. Im just telling myself to do this technique right now as I write up this message to you all. This whakataukī is a very powerful and important one for us to know and express. Me aro, means to take note of, take heed, notice or engage with. Koe, You, ki te hā, to the breath. o Hineahuone, of Hineahuone. She is the first human created at kurawaka by all the Gods and Papatūānuku. Tane breaths life into her through her nostril and she takes first breath. It is a warning for us to take care of ourselves, especially our capacity to breath. Without it, were dead! Think about it, being a Kaikaranga is very much about your ability to have very good breathing skills. It helps you relax, so right now I am saying goodnight to you all and thank you again for supporting this Give a Little tono. Ma te Atua koutou e manaaki e tiaki i tēnei wā. Mauri ora whanau.

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      26 April 2023
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    Kia ora everyone out there in this very exciting world. Well just today we , were shaken here in Porangahau by Ruaumoko, our Atua of earth quakes, boy it was scarey and long. But we are all ok, a few after shock tremors, the wind has died down somewhat and now I have returned to focus on our book, 'Karanga'. I wish to thank you all for supporting me in this kaupapa and ask you to continue to support me by sharing this link with your friends and fellow wahine who may be interested in becoming a Kaikaranga for their whanau, hapū and iwi. Or for friends who are interesting in empowering themselves through a deeper exploration of self and spirit. It is a journey we are embarking upon here and one that is critical in this ever evolving time we seem to be experiencing at the moment. You win or lose by what you choose is a favorite quote I have adopted, because choices are often made without much thought, we are often hasty to reply. Well, that's my experience of things, good things take time to mature and ripen. So I have set another month to achieving the goal for this project. Please help me do this. I look to your support. Noho ora mai ra e te iwi, mauri ora ki a koutou katoa. Kia haumaru tō haerenga i runga i te whenua. Kia kaha tātau katoa.

    Nāhaku noa, Te Raina Ferris .xx

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  • A slight distraction:

      18 February 2023
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    Kia ora everyone out there who has supported me and my Givealittle page. I do so appreciate it. Well, we have been majorly distracted by the floods out here in Porangahau. Apologies for not keeping abreast of things. however, just a reminder, ahakoa te aha, ka haere tonu tatau. The floods have impacted on us here at Kurawaka, however, I am now refocusing my thoughts on getting our pukapuka published and completed. I would love for you all to share this post with your friends and networks. Karanga, is the title of the book. There are 2 parts to the book, first part is My Story or Taku Pūrākau. Telling you about some exceptional experiences I have had throughout my life with Karanga. The magic of it all. It's very powerful. The 2nd part of the book is about Ngā Tūāpapa me ngā Tikanga o te Kaikaranga. This kaupapa is so vast and broad, it encompasses Te Mana o Te Wahine in its fullest form. Nō reira, sending our love and blessings out to you all and to all families who have been affected by Cyclone Gabrielle.

    Piki te ora, piki te kaha o tātau katoa!

    Mauri ora.

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  • My gratitude post to you all!

      10 February 2023
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    Greetings to you all who have contributed to this kaupapa, and to those who are yet to gift. I am truly grateful for your help in bringing this book into existence, believe you me, getting a book finalised for publication is a mammoth task in itself. I am overwhelmed by the support and look forward to completing this job as soon as possible. Which will be a wee while away yet. It is extremely comforting to know that these funds will be available come the end of the term.

    Again many thanks, I hope you could share this message with your whanau and mates and all those wonderful goddesses who have come to Kurawaka and done the Poupou Karanga course with me over the many years. Kei te mihi nui rawa atu ki a koutou katoa. Arohanui Whaea Te Raina and the Kurawaka whanau.

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