Keep Down to Earth Conversations podcast running in 2022.
Since beginning the podcast in Feb 2020 we have heard so many inspiring and challenging stories. And many listeners have shared how my guests have impacted them and the way they want to be in the world.
The podcast exists as it does because people who believed in it have given finance and resource to help cover costs and get set up. And for that I am extremely grateful.
Some of those costs are ongoing so if you'd like to help me to keep bringing these stories to you, I'm looking to raise a small amount that will make a huge difference in keeping Down to Earth Conversations running.
Website subscription, podcast hosting fees, recording and editing equipment maintenance and repairs, and anything left will be used to support guests.
Thanks 10 January 2022
Thanks to you all for your generosity. It is great to have people believe in what I'm doing. 😍 Blessings to you all. Andy
Oh you guys are too much ❤️
Thanks so much. 🙏
Oh thank you for the feedback and the gift. Much appreciated 😍
Thanks so much. I really appreciate the support ❤️
Oh thank you. That is very generous ❤️