This week we celebrate Keira's fourth birthday and we want to share some pictures for you guys to see how far we've come.
Keira is still on her medication thanks to the overwhelming amount of support from you guys and is thriving! Since being on the medication she has been more active and her seizures have become a lot more manageable and almost completely gone.
We have got to experience more then we thought we ever would. She has been to luma, a light event in queenstown which she loved and was great to see her react to the different lights. Also Keira has been able to go to see a crusaders rugby game (thanks to the crusaders who invited Keira along) and Keira was cheering the whole time.
The price of her medication also has decreased ($330) which means it's more of a reality that we will be able to continue to keep on giving her it and keep getting the most out of life.
We are looking into alternative ways of being able to fund her medication but have yet to be successful with any additional help.
We will also be getting a wheelchair for more adventures as she is getting so big and we will still want to be out and about making the most of life.
I want to thank everyone so much for the help we have received Keira and I truely appreciate it. This medication has done amazing things for us and Keira and I are able to enjoy life with a little financial stress gone.