Kendrick Family

$46,323 donated
Given by 192 generous donors in around 3 months

We are so appreciative of any support you can give.


Give a little Page

This is a page for all friends and family of Ross Kendrick who would like to support his family as they start to face a new chapter without their adored husband and Dad.

Ross bravely faced a short battle with metastatic melanoma and passed away peacefully on October 4th 2020.

Ross was tragically only 47 years old and will be sadly missed by his wife and three children.

While they did their best to prepare for this unwelcome event and insurance will secure their home almost, financially Christine will need support with funeral costs, and to raise three active kids who love sport as much as their Dad did. While Christine is fiercely independent, she faces a barrier that others in this situation may not. Christine has MS and her current and future capacity to work is limited.

Ross was the first to the party and the last to leave - made a friend to many and any, and we know a lot of you have been asking how to support them going forward.

Alice Webb's involvement (page creator)

I am Christine’s cousin.

Use of funds

Funds will be used towards funeral costs and children related expenses.

Latest update

Thank you   29 October 2020

Hi everyone

This is just an update to thank you all so much for your love and support both through this give a little page and direct with the family. Christine has been blown away by the outpouring of support for her and the children. This has really helped to lift some of the stress of Ross’s passing. Ross really did have an impact on so many and will be dearly missed. Thank you

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Latest donations

Alan on 09 Jan 2021
Joshua on 12 Nov 2020
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 07 Nov 2020
From Twilight payment I just bet on your numbers x
Helen on 05 Nov 2020
Jan & Shellie-Ann
Jan & Shellie-Ann on 03 Nov 2020
We will miss Ross greatly.

Who's involved?

Alice Webb's avatar
Created by Alice Webb
Christine Kendrick's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Christine Kendrick
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This campaign started on 9 Oct 2020 and ended on 9 Jan 2021.