Help our Teacher Kerrys fight with Cancer

$10,867 of $20,000 goal
Given by 42 generous donors in around 7 months

Please help our wonderful teacher Kerry fight her battle with lung cancer and help to fund the drug she needs to fight this.


Please help our wonderful teacher Kerry from Chelsea House Early Childhood Centre Raumati. She is battling a form of Lung Cancer after already fighting and beating a battle with breast cancer 20 years ago. She also has some spots in the bone, leg, pelvis and ribs so

Kerry is really in need of a specialised drug that can help her with her fight BUT this is not funded by the government and we really need to fundraise a target of $20k in order to give her one round of this drug which is 6-9 doses. Kerry is currently having chemotherapy to try and shrink the tumour down in size in order to start the next step which is the specialised drug.

Kerry is an amazing and very loved part of our teaching team here at Chelsea House and we really want to help her through this so we can have her back where she belongs with the children and work mates that adore her.

Please help our wonderful teacher Kerry's involvement (page creator)

I am involved because Kerry is a much loved teacher and friend.

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Latest donations

Chelsea House team
Chelsea House team on 25 Nov 2016
Thinking of you Kerry xxxx
wonderful people of Waitarere Beach
wonderful people of Waitarere Beach on 22 Nov 2016
Best wishes
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 10 Nov 2016
Carol Matthews
Carol Matthews on 06 Nov 2016
Good luck Kerry keep up the good fight xxx
Sonia and Sharon Fundraiser
Sonia and Sharon Fundraiser on 06 Nov 2016
We love you...xxxxx

Who's involved?

Kerry Potts's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Kerry Potts
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This campaign started on 18 Aug 2016 and ended on 31 Mar 2017.