Get Kevin to the CrossFit Games

$2,110 donated
Given by 34 generous donors in 7 weeks

Kevin Manuel- CrossFit Athlete

Hawke's Bay

Because Kevin is as humble as he is, he didn't expect to qualify for the Reebok CrossFit Games, let alone put aside money to fund the competition trip of a lifetime.

However, after coming 4th at the 2015 Pacific Regionals, and earning himself a spot to compete amongst the best in the world, Kevin now has until the 18th of July to train hard(er), organise his Viticultural Contracting Company (which is going into its busy season), and still be an amazing husband to Jade and Father to his two boys- Brody (3 years) and Mason (9 months).

So lets get behind this genuine, all-round good-guy, and help ease the financial strain of getting over to the States. Any funds we do raise will go toward flights, accommodation, food, a hire car and other general hidden costs of traveling (which will cost upwards of $5000NZD)so he can focus more on the competition.

Every little bit helps, and would be hugely appreciated.

(We hope Kevin doesn't mind that we started this page on behalf of him because we know how much he doesn't like asking people for money.)

Thanks in advance everyone!

CrossFit First Light

Erin Gladstone's involvement (page creator)

CrossFit First Light is involved in this because we started CrossFit with Kevin, and we have seen him progress and grow. We have been there, supporting him at each Regional competition he has been apart in, and we will continue to support him on his journey to the games.

Latest donations

Fale and Dawn
Fale and Dawn on 30 Jun 2015
Good Luck! We'll be cheering for you! Go Get 'Em!!
Jimmy on 30 Jun 2015
All the very best!!
Brit and Fish
Brit and Fish on 30 Jun 2015
Loads of love to you Kevy. You will be fantastic! Looking forward to celebrating with you both when you get back. Will be sending positive energy to you throughout. Hugs xxx
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 30 Jun 2015
Stank, "sniff sniff", ham bone
Stank, "sniff sniff", ham bone on 26 Jun 2015
Boobies hunt fish by diving from a height into the sea and pursuing their prey underwater. Facial air sacs under their skin cushion the impact with the water. Boobies are colonial breeders on islands and coasts. They normally lay one or more chalky-blue eggs on the ground or sometimes in a tree nest. Good luck bro. Nock em for six. Its a cricket term yes but I don't know what to say that links with cross fit.

Who's involved?

Kevin Manuel's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Kevin Manuel
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This campaign started on 4 Jun 2015 and ended on 26 Jul 2015.