Help get King Homeboy to the BEATBOX WORLD CHAMPS 2015

$520 of $7,000 goal
Given by 32 generous donors in 11 weeks

Six time New Zealand Beat Boxing Champion, King HomeBoy invited to represent New Zealand at the World Beat Boxing Competition Germany 2015.


King HomeBoy is New Zealands Beat Boxing Champion who holds the World Record for the longest Beat boxing marathon of 34 hours, New Zealand Champion for six years and currently ranks second in the US Beat Rhyme Championships 2014. Wellington born and bred he is a past Saint Patricks student who found his passion for beatboxing at the age of 16 years old.

He has grown up busking on the streets of Wellington City and then Palmerston North to develop the skills he calls his "vocal kung-fu"

King HomeBoy has the opportunity to represent New Zealand and attend the World Beat Boxing Championships in Berlin, Germany 29 May - 1 June 2015

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Nix on 21 Mar 2015
Best of luck.
Katherine on 21 Mar 2015
Good luck! You are awesome!
Levi on 21 Mar 2015
Smash it man
James tapper
James tapper on 20 Mar 2015
All the best king homeboy. Love listening to you on Cuba St. Always a pleasure and never a chore.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 20 Mar 2015

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Te Ariki Paul Toki's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Te Ariki Paul Toki
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This campaign started on 11 Jan 2015 and ended on 31 Mar 2015.