Kilbirnie School Fabulous Fun Run 2024! Thurs 16 May.

$3,612 donated
Given by 95 generous donors in 4 weeks

Parentlink's purpose is to raise funds to support the School. It is a registered Charity made up of volunteer parents.


Kilbirnie School is holding a Fabulous Fun Run now to be held on Thurs 16th May (was originally Wednesday but postponed due to rain forecasted) at 1pm to encourage kids to be healthy and have fun! This is coordinated with the cross country season so the kids are currently practising running and keeping fit!

We're asking the students to seek sponsorship to encourage them towards their Fun Run goals. The children will set personal goals on how many 'loops' they can do in the set time:

1.10 PM - MATAIRANGI HUB - Will run around the school block for 15 mins

1:45 PM - NGAKE HUB - Will run around the turf / grass area for 5 mins

2.05 PM - WHATAITAI HUB - Will run around the school block for 10 mins

You can either sponsor through this site, complete a hard copy form which you can get from the school office.

Dress up is a HUGE part of this event! So if you want to take part as your favourite superhero or book character, get creative and WOW the crowds! There will be ice blocks after the event for the kids and we encourage any families to come down and support and join in the fun.

Donations made via this page and are $5 and over are eligible for a 33.33% tax credit. You'll be emailed a receipt after you are charged for a donation.

(Givealittle has a 5% service fee to cover some of the running costs. They do not make a profit as the fee does not cover all costs, the difference is funded by Perpetual Guardian)

About us

Parentlink's sole purpose is to raise funds to support Kilbirnie School primarily through organising events. Parentlink is a committee made up of volunteer parents from Kilbirnie School.

Use of funds

The money raised will be provided to the School Board, and is a much appreciated!

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Well done!  16 May 2024

Great work to all the kids on their running today. There will be some tired legs tonight!

It was lovely to see the hubs supporting each other by coming out to watch and cheer. Thank you to all the supporters who came down to watch too.

A great event all around.

Until next year…

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The Roche’s
The Roche’s on 27 May 2024
Ailua, Robin & Taylor Fepuleai
Ailua, Robin & Taylor Fepuleai on 24 May 2024
Well done Jack. Love Mum, Dad & Taylor x
Jack’s Aunty
Jack’s Aunty on 23 May 2024
Well done Jack 💙🫶 Love Aunty Nica x
Stephanie on 20 May 2024
Well done arya!
João on 18 May 2024
Awesome running Benji!

Who's involved?

Parentlink's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Parentlink (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 29 Apr 2024 and ended on 1 Jun 2024.