Kit needs our help

$7,517 donated
Given by 112 generous donors in 4 days

Kit needs our support

Onehunga, Auckland

You will all know Kit as a dedicated and cheerful team leader for the Shoreload and Propping crews on your projects.

Tragically the reason for this give a little page is that Kits Mum was randomly and tragically stabbed and killed on a bus this week by a person unknown to her. This senseless act of violence has of course devastated Kit and his wider family.

Kit is a loved member of our family here at Shoreload and Propping and we will of course wrap around him to support him and his family through this difficult time.

What you probably dont know about Kit is that he has, from a very young age, singlehandedly raised his brothers and sisters, and provided them with a safe home, stability and acted as the positive parental role model at a time when most other kids his age are carefree and happy. Kit has guided and protected his siblings, made sure they got to school, had food on the table and that they received the love that they needed.

Kit now needs our help and support, so, alongside the support that the Shoreload family will provide, we thought that maybe we could reach out on his behalf to try to ease some of the financial burden that he and his family will bear over the coming weeks.

We of course understand completely if circumstances do not allow. There is no obligation or expectation. A supporting message, or kind thought alone would be greatly appreciated so Kit knows that he has people out there who have his back and thinking of him.

thank you.

Use of funds

to support Kit and his family with funeral and related expenses

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Latest update

Beyond generous   28 October 2024

It is incredibly humbling to see the generosity and kindness shown by you all for Kit and his family. Thank you to everyone for all your amazing support and kind wishes. You have all made a real difference for Kit and his family. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

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Latest donations

JP 2 hours ago
Stay strong and support your loved ones
Donna 12 hours ago
Michelle 12 hours ago
Guest Donor
Guest Donor 13 hours ago
Love to Kit & family
Anna 24 hours ago
so terribly sorry for your loss, i wish for peace to your whanau during this very difficult time

Who's involved?

Tim Smith's avatar
Created by Tim Smith
Kitione Tamale's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Kitione Tamale
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This campaign started on 24 Oct 2024 and ends on 7 Nov 2024.