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Kitchen for Joshua School Arusha Tanzania

$890 of $3,000 goal
Given by 14 generous donors in 8 weeks

The Joshua school Arusha needs $3000 to complete the kitchen build for their model school.

Bay of Plenty

Joshua school Arusha in Tanzania is completely funded through sponsorship. There are currently 270 children at the school. Each child receives a cooked morning tea and lunch everyday. For some of these children this may be the only meals they have. Joshua school needs more finances to complete the kitchen. Currently the mamas ( cooks) are cooking under a rough shelter with no storage facilities. They have already been given $2000 towards the kitchen, so they have put down a foundation, including the base of the cool store. They need a further $3000 to finish off the walls, roof, complete the cool store and efficient stoves. The Joshua foundation is making a huge impact by providing African children with education and meals, which they may not have had the chance to have otherwise. The Joshua Foundation completely relys on God for all of their finances and He faithfully provides.

Rachel Judd's involvement (page creator)

I volunteered at the Joshua foundation school with a team from my church last year. I saw first hand the amazing work that they do and the impact that they have in the lives of the children there. I am planning to go back again in December this year, to volunteer for 3 months. We have so much in New Zealand, so this is an opportunity to give to those who need it. All the money raised will go completly towards this project and not towards my own expenses.

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Peter & Christine
Peter & Christine on 30 Jul 2015
Go for it Rach
A and C Judd
A and C Judd on 29 Jul 2015
Awesome work Rach, very proud of you, keep it up!
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 07 Jul 2015
What a wonderful work you are doing.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 07 Jul 2015
J&A Kell
J&A Kell on 06 Jul 2015

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Rachel Judd
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This campaign started on 1 Jun 2015 and ended on 31 Jul 2015.