Kiwi Family needing help

$3,436 donated
Given by 88 generous donors in 21 days

Kiwi family hopeful for help!


Hello, my name is Shayla - I am a new mother, to a handsome 2 month old boy and partner of a hard working kiwi bloke.

We have fallen upon unfavorable times since the arrival of our little one and are now stuck/desperate for help

My young family has recently been served a 5 day eviction notice from the rental property we had, our primary vehicle has come back needing a 15k mechanical fix to which we've had to leave in the workshop unable to pay the bill and our main source of income (partners full-time work, 12hr days) has let him go, due to medical choices and new health and safety policies.

Having next to no time and very few options we've been forced to find a cheaper vehicle that we are using to live out of, since crossing the boarder to stay with family isn't an option for us yet.

As humiliating as asking for help is, the truth that faces us now is our struggle to make it through each week. The stress and anxiety is affecting my milk supply which in turn will soon affect our baby as we've exclusively breastfed trying to save funds.

The judgemental remarks and opinions you can keep, as this is honestly a hard enough time for us as is. We are both looking for new employment but as Covid restrictions persist and no actual residence - this is proving difficult.

The time we have had as a family together has been priceless for we've been trying to see the brighter side of things. Although unemployed this has given us both the opportunity to be heavily apart of all our little ones infant milestones, undisturbed by the complexities of life.

Moving forward were wanting to work towards becoming self sufficient so that we're never put in a similar position.

As first-time parents our current situation is a big kick in the guts, for this was not by any means the form of parenting we ever thought we'd have to endure. We ask for help as a genuine plea of desperation for our boy, we just want to be able to give him a safe environment to grow up in, the good old kiwi way.

Use of funds

Funds will go towards living expenses, acquiring a safe environment to raise our son and also fixing our primary vehicle if we're able too

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Latest donations

Carl on 02 Dec 2021
God bless you. Be strong for your son. There are better times on the horizon
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 02 Dec 2021
God bless you all beyond measure!
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 02 Dec 2021
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 02 Dec 2021
Horrible that you have to face this - good luck !
Christina on 01 Dec 2021

Who's involved?

Shayla Ram's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Shayla Ram
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This campaign started on 22 Nov 2021 and ended on 13 Dec 2021.