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Kiwis Clean Aotearoa

$55,011 donated
Given by 919 generous donors in 4 years

Kiwis Clean Aotearoa is a collective effort touring the country cleaning up rubbish around communities, rivers, foreshore's.


A chance conversation between two friends quickly evolved into a combined effort to resign from our jobs and tour the land cleaning our waterways and byways promoting a community centered educational event wherever we travel to. We have pooled our resources to launch this combined effort, starting January 2019 in Karamea, South Island.

Our efforts in each community will involve starting/helping in Community gardens, etcetera.

Use of funds

The use of funds will be used for fuel costs and at times the cost of dumping rubbish.

Latest update

North bound   1 July 2022

Hi everyone I've headed back up to the North island for the third time to complete the mission of circumnavigating the coastline of our beautiful country.

I'm currently back in wellington where i'll be doing a few cleanups around the area.

I will be heading upto the firth of Thames to start back where I finished off about a year ago.

I have roughly around 6 months left and roughly 50 areas that I'd like to navigate on my way upto Cape Reinga.

I have some maintenance issues that need attention on my truck and with the price of gas and the expenses of things these days I really appreciate everyone's help and support. Massive thank you to everyone that has made a donation or helped out in some way.

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Latest donations

rafe on 15 Oct 2022
Peter on 10 Oct 2022
Good on ya mate
Sue on 10 Oct 2022
Well done you.Awesome work. I’m now encouraged to take a rubbish bag with me when on my daily walk.
Rafe on 10 Oct 2022
Thankyou. Leadership starts by example.
Len on 09 Oct 2022
Good on you Desmond, great initiative!

Who's involved?

Desmond Watson's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Desmond Watson on behalf of Kiwis Clean Aotearoa
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This campaign started on 3 Dec 2018 and ended on 4 Jan 2023.