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Krishna Village Project

  • Thank you

      17 October 2022

    Thank you all for you generosity

    The devotees were able to purchase the land with the help of some money loans. Your contribution here will help towards paying back a portion of those loans. Thank you so much for your kindness and heartfelt support of this project. I’m sure this will be pleasing to Prabhupada and Krishna and that will reciprocate with you ….

    This is only the beginning we ask you to be a part of this revolution… watch this space 🙏🥰

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  • Final day …

      26 September 2022

    Please share and donate if you can this is the last day to raise some more for this project.

    We have taken out loans for the purchase so it will go through, but if you are able to help in any way your contribution will be greatly appreciated to help reimburse the short term loans we have taken out.

    This project is not just for a small group of people wanting to live rurally this project is an important project that will benefit and include the whole community and we are so excited about the prospect and the possibilities. This is the way of the future. Please share this link

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  • 3 days to go…..

      23 September 2022

    Thank you all for your generosity

    We are still a long way off to reach target but are so appreciative of all your support so far.

    We have also pledged to donate all the takings for this week from Hare Krishna Charity Shop in 43 bank street please support this by sharing ! Much love from us all x

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  • Urgent deadline is approaching

      13 September 2022

    Please help by sharing this campaign…

    Every little helps……

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      12 September 2022

    Purchase date is coming up fast. Your help is greatly appreciated.

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  • Why not make your contribution a loan?

      12 September 2022
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    If you have the means and are willing to support the project with a short term loan of $20,000 or more, please let us know privately. We would welcome the opportunity to receive your help in the form of a secure short term loan. We offer a very good interest rate (much better than the banks), foolproof security, short term repayment schedule, and you will be supporting the development of one of the most significant, beneficial and auspicious intentional community projects in New Zealand.

    A win/win for everyone : )

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  • Rama Goyal, BFA, GradDipTchg

      11 September 2022
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    I grew up in Hare Krishna communities, and see the vital importance of intentional and sustainable local community for the wellbeing of our planet, society, and especially for the future of our children. I am an artist and a trained teacher, and am passionate about encouraging our young people to love, respect, and work with nature, and to support them to learn the skills needed to work together with compassion in order to create a peaceful future for our world. I am excited to be part of this wonderful project which will provide physical and spiritual nourishment to members, to the wider community, and to the next generation.

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  • Krsnananda

      11 September 2022
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    My name is Krsnananda. I live in Auckland with my wife and 3 children. I have been involved with education for over 18 years and I spent the last 10 years serving as a school principal at the Hare Krishna school in Auckland.

    I am currently a professional coach and train professionals and educators in personal growth, leadership, communication and relationship development. Positive and empowering relationships are so important for healthy and successful organisations and families and ultimately for the future of our world.

    It is our hope to create a healthy and flourishing community that can not only benefit its members but offer services to benefit its wider community.

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  • Introducing Bhakti another core member

      11 September 2022
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    Bhakti Aycrigg BA Cantab, PGCE, MA

    I studied social anthropology at Cambridge University which was a great introduction to understanding indigenous ways of life in all aspects, how to live more simply and sustainably, and develop a community. After coming to New Zealand our family joined with a group of families to develop a rural community in the Bay of Plenty. We learned a lot about how to develop a self-sufficient community and how not to! I have also spent many years teaching. We now run a home school group for my grandsons and other children of the community, which is the nucleus of the educational facility we hope to create as part of the future village community. I feel excited and privileged to play a part in this glorious Krishna Village vision, which we see as key in providing an example of how to live a sustainable, peaceful, healthy lifestyle on all levels.

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  • Core group introductions: Buddhi Wilcox

      11 September 2022
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    Introducing the five core group drivers of this project first is Buddhi.

    My name is Buddhi . I live in Whangarei with my partner and 2 children . I have been involved in welfare programs distributing prasadam ( sancitfied food ) to those in need for last 30 years .. Currently running Food for Life Charitable Trust in Whangarei . I am convinced that there is a better way to live than that currently offered by the systems established in modern society . A simpler, more natural, peaceful and balanced way of life that is materially satisfying and spiriitually progressive. The Krishna Village project is an effort to create an inter- generational community and a way of life that is not only self suffient and sustainable, but is fulfilling and enabling spiritual progress. This is due to it being structured according to God's laws and instructions as given in Bhagavad Gita. This project is a very deep, and mature attempt to create a better world for our children and their children's children and I encourage anyone able to support it in any way they can. Thank you

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