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A sister Fighting for her Life

  • Change of Payee

      18 May 2023
    Posted by: Givealittle

    As per the families request, Andrea De Thierry will now be the payee of the page. She will receive the funds on behalf of Tricia and the family and pass the funds onto them at a later date.

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  • Our prayers have been answered

      5 April 2023

    Firstly i would love to thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for all your donations, koha and love that you have given through this long and hearthreaking journey. Pitisi has a long journey ahead of her still but has now been moved to a rehabilitation centre for ongoing treatments. Your love and support has been overwhelming and the family thanks you so much xxx

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    • 18/05/2023 by Tricia

      Hi everyone I'm Tricia the mother of Pitisi, first and foremost I'd just like to say a big Thank you to each and everyone from the bottom of my heart that have donated towards this page I really do appreciate it, as I has been a very rough time for me and my family. A keep update on Pitisi is she has now moved from Auckland hospital to a rehabilitation center in Ranui west Auckland where she will stay for the next couple of months to continue her recovery as she will have to learn how to stand and walk on her own again with assistance as the left side of her body is still very weak but hopefully over time she will build alot more strength on that side for her to be able to move on her own. Once again I am very thankful for all the love and support we have received during this difficult time xxxxxx