Lay Tyler to rest with his sister.

$4,451 of $6,500 goal
Given by 72 generous donors in around 9 months

To help Rachel with some financial help for the plaque, burial and funeral costs, she is finding it hard to be able to cover these costs.

Christchurch, Canterbury

Tragically Rachel lost her 19 year old son Tyler to a seizure in his sleep a few weeks back, Tyler suffered from epilepsy most of his life, which is unfortunately what took his life on the 10th of February 2022. Unfortunately this isn’t the first time Rachel has lost a child, 25 years ago she lost her daughter and now wishes to have Tyler’s ashes buried with his sister.

Let me tell you a bit about Tyler, he was such a funny, caring, loving guy, he always put others first and he was always the one to make you laugh if you were down, he was so good at lego and had a heart of gold, I know he will be missed so so much. He was my daughters friend and when they were at school together they would run around the playground and play tag they could run around for ages, laughing and playing, as Ty and my daughter grew older they were playing on the computer together in different parts of the country as we had to move, but they were still laughing and joking it was the best friendship my daughter has ever had and I know she misses him alot.

Monique Smith's involvement (page creator)

Rachel is a good friend of mine, Tyler was my daughters best friend, this is a huge loss to so many who love Tyler.

Use of funds

This page is set up to help my friend at this sad time of losing her son. The money will be spent on burial and a plaque for Tyler and if possible to help with the remaining funeral cost, and maybe a little something for Rachel.

Latest update

Change of closing date   28 August 2022

Hi everyone I’ve just changed the closing date till end of November to see if we can get the 2000$ goal that’s left. Thank you all for donating it means a lot.

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Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 16 Jul 2022
Monique Smith

Thank you so very much

Monique Smith
Russell on 14 Jul 2022
Very sad situation. Sometimes life is just not fair :( Best wishes in laying Tyler to rest.
Monique Smith

Aww thank you so much this means a lot.

Monique Smith
Kerry on 07 Jun 2022
So sorry for your loss x
Monique Smith

Thank you so very much

Monique Smith
Feanza on 19 May 2022
God Bless
Monique Smith

Thank you so much

Monique Smith
Crystal on 17 May 2022
Sorry for your loss 💙❤️
Monique Smith

Thank you so much

Monique Smith

Who's involved?

Rachel Austin's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Rachel Austin
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This campaign started on 12 Mar 2022 and ended on 28 Nov 2022.