Lets Give Everyone's Favourite School Camp a Makeover

$250,000 goal
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Started around 3 months ago

It's time to upgrade the dorms at Marahau camp. To ensure future generations can enjoy this special place, we need your help.

Marahau, Tasman

Marahau Outdoor Education Centre has been in existence for over 35 years. During that time, it has hosted over 100,000 school students and community organisations. Generations of students from the top of the south have attended camp at the Marahau Outdoor Education Centre.

We have tried to ensure the camp facilities are of a good standard, but its age is starting to show. About five years ago, we upgraded the kitchen and dining area, which has been wonderful, but we feel it is time to give the dorms a much needed makeover. The old dorm is cold and dated. Students have to go outside to a separate block to go to the bathroom. For many students who are staying away from home for the first time, this can be daunting. The building is not insulated and does not have any heating, so the camp sits empty, through the winter. Our bunks are old and have become uncomfortable. It is time for an upgrade.

Our camp is the most affordable venue in our region. It has made the camp experience accessible for students from all socio-economic background. We are an organisation that runs on a limited budget and relies on the hard work of volunteers. This project will help future proof the camp and allow it to continue to be iconic venue it is. Everyone has a Marahau camp story!

We challenge schools to come up with innovative fundraising ideas within their schools to support our camp. The school that is able to raise the most funding will receive a one-week camp for free!

About us

We are a volunteer charity that oversees the management of the Marahau Outdoor Education Centre, an affordable school camp venue in Marahau, Tasman. We host around 5000 school students, and community groups every year. We have been operating since 1985.

Use of funds

The plan is to insulate and reline the interior of the large dorm, replace the bunks, add toilets at either end of the dorm and add separate staff shower and toilet. We would also add heat pumps so the camp can be utilised throughout the year.

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Marahau Outdoor Education Centre Trust's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Marahau Outdoor Education Centre Trust (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 4 Jun 2024 and ended on 18 Jul 2024.