Let's help Bex Douglas get back on her feet....

$8,790 donated
Given by 67 generous donors in one year

Fundraising on behalf of Bex Douglas for a wheelchair, holistic treatments and bathroom renovations.

Ngātīmoti, Tasman

Our beautiful, bright, bubbly, friendly, loving and hilarious friend Bex (Douglas) has given us all a bit of a scare recently.

Just over a week ago as she was chatting with her husband Stacey she found herself unable to move or breathe properly, she was rushed to hospital in an ambulance with her body totally frozen from the neck down. A few days in the hospital and she has regained feeling in her upper body however she is still unable to move her legs (toes do wiggle a bit which is a good sign). The doctors have given her a diagnosis of "Functional Neurological Disorder" and suggested that she is likely to regain use of her legs however it could take anywhere from weeks to a year.

Unfortunately her house (especially toilet and bathroom) is unsuitable for a walker or a wheel chair and she will need to remain in the rehab part of the hospital for at least a couple more weeks until she is more mobile/some adjustments have been made and the house is more suitable for her. She also has three children so other family members and her husband are taking time away from work etc in order to ensure their needs are met while she is unable to look after them.

We are fundraising on the families behalf to help with purchasing a wheelchair, holistic treatments, child care, bathroom renovations and also just to take the added financial pressure off so they can focus on helping her to recover. ACC do not cover any of this unfortunately as the cause is not an accident.

Happy Aquarian's involvement (page creator)

Close friend, known each other since we were teenagers.

Use of funds

Bathroom renovations, time off work for husband, child care, cleaning, home help if needed, wheelchair and natural herbal remedies.

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Latest update

Week Three Updates  22 May 2023

Left leg quivers after a hard physio work out today the most movement in 3 weeks.

Also had some nerve pain and pinching feeling for the last 3 days in left butt cheek which is painful but a good sign that feeling is coming back. But no further feeling in other places. Can see that my legs are attached to me but just feels like I am floating from the waist down or there's nothing there.

Have been diagnosed with something called FND functional neurological disorder.

Have been moved last week down to the assessment, treatment and rehabilitation ward where I am doing daily hydrotherapy and physiotherapy as well as working with the OT on learning how to complete small tasks like, transfers from bed to chair, bed to wheelchair, wheelchair to shower chair.

Have independence in toileting and can now shower and dress myself.

Also working on combating tasks you would have at home like making a cuppa tea and this week will be working on sitting in a higher chair for doing some meal prep.

On weekends I am aloud out on day leave.

Haven't had the chance to feel bored or stuck in here yet as there is definitely no shortage of visitors, I am definitely very lucky to have such amazing friends and family ❤️

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Motueka Taxis
Motueka Taxis on 26 Jun 2023
We hope you get better soon xx
Sue on 22 Jun 2023
Sorry to see what you've been going through, from Sue (your wedding florist!!) Thinking of you.
Samara on 15 Jun 2023
Thinking of you and so inspired by your positive vibes ✌️🥰 much love from the hoares xx
Ali on 10 Jun 2023
Thinking of you heaps. Xox
Maddison on 09 Jun 2023
You got this Bex !!! 💖

Who's involved?

Happy Aquarian's avatar
Created by Happy Aquarian
Rebecca Douglas's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Rebecca Douglas
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This campaign started on 10 May 2023 and ended on 10 May 2024.