Let’s pray for 13 year old TeMero

$6,035 donated
Given by 101 generous donors in 7 weeks

Let’s pray for you TeMero

Tauranga, Bay Of Plenty

TeMero was flown to starship hospital last night from Tauranga Hospital, TeMero had an accident after diving into a river and snapped his neck in 2 places, TeMero received a scholarship last year for sailing and was excited and looking forward to going down to the South Island for a sailing comp, He also dreams of becoming a future All black star, so if we could ask for some help to get TeMero and his family to get them through this sad and supposedly long journey ahead of them a little bit easier for them please This family appreciates any help given thanks

Corina Taikato's involvement (page creator)

I am Capris first cousin who is TeMeros dads sister, TeMeros grandmother is my dads only sister

Use of funds

Living expenses,travelling expenses as his parents grandparents have to travel beteeen Tauranga and starship hospital, as he has siblings who still need to attend sports and school. Funds will be paid to family member, Capri Elder. Capri will be sorting out any finances/living costs/travelling expenses for TeMero's parents/grandparents.

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Latest update

Post Update  1 July 2024

Just sending out a big thankyou to everyone who sent donations and prayers for TeMero Elder, The love and support this family have had through this ordeal have helped them out in so many ways so Thankyous all, TeMero is doing awesome he has mobility, walking wf his crutches for few minutes at a time but is still in full support of his wheel chair, He is back at school but only goes from lunchtime to 2pm, each day he is making better progress but still has a long journey ahead. But will get there eventually.

Thank yous all

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Richard on 17 Mar 2024
Get well soon TeMero!
Mel on 16 Mar 2024
Corina Taikato


Corina Taikato
Ali on 15 Mar 2024
You’re doing awesome TeMero ! From Ali
Corina Taikato


Corina Taikato
Simon on 06 Mar 2024
Great to hear of your progress Te Mero. Keep working hard!
Corina Taikato


Corina Taikato
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 26 Feb 2024
Corina Taikato


Corina Taikato

Who's involved?

Corina Taikato's avatar
Created by Corina Taikato
Capri Elder's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Capri Elder on behalf of TeMero Elder
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This campaign started on 11 Feb 2024 and ended on 31 Mar 2024.