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Levonne Hart’s MSA battle

  • *update from Levonne*

      21 July 2020
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    It’s a bit hard to give an update with all that’s been going on and having had a bit of a decline, I suppose. My walking gait has changed a bit and perhaps not always noticeable from the outside, it is to me, my family and the trained eye.

    Your donations and words of encouragement have certainly helped. It has freed up cash to buy supplements, exercise equipment and buy the odd program or summit – there are plenty of those, and continue to see health professionals, like the chiropractor and physio for instance. It has been an enormous help – and continues to be - and I’m hugely grateful.

    We are learning a lot about can and won’t be done in terms of our house and why caregivers often speak out in this country. At some stage we might have to buy a new flat level home and manage my son’s schooling and keep him in the city in which we choose to live. I’ve had loads of family time, with a reunion up north at Christmas and a few nights in Taupo these school holidays with my immediate family.

    Unfortunately, we haven’t had a great success with our dogs having lost one due to ill health back in October and having to rehome her replacement because he was a bit naughty and I couldn’t retrieve our belongings quickly enough from under the dining room table! Fortunately, my son and husband got to spend some time with him this weekend where he’s undergoing deer hunting training in the bush.

    I’ve been thinking about HP lately and I know you’ve gone through a lot of changes lately. I’ve been thinking about the ‘can do’ attitude and when I feel low about the positivity you exude and I think ‘yeah, I’ll have some of that!’ I’m eternally grateful to Emma Payne, Oliver Hill, my manager, Anna Xu, and you all.



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  • Team Effort: ASB Auckland Marathon

      1 November 2019
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    On 20 October, the team from HP organised to run the ASB Auckland Marathon to raise money for Levonne. We successfully increased our donations and are now nearly at $13k!

    The incredible generosity of the community has had a huge impact on Levonne and her family. It's helped them to stay inspired and positive during these challenging times and has allowed Levonne to work with specialist practitioners to help her on her journey.

    Because of the help of so many, Levonne has been able to work with a Naturopath/Nutritionist/Herbalist and attend physio sessions at the North Shore Hospital twice a week. She's also been able to work with a kinesiologist, chiropractor and functional neurologist.

    We still have a ways to go before we meet our total goal, but it is inspiring to know that the outpouring of love and support has had a massive impact. We will continue to share how your donations are helping Levonne and her family.

    Thank you!

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