Life with Akathisia

$1,650 of $2,000 goal
Given by 34 generous donors in 21 days

Fundraising for Bonnie, an amazing mother, who is going through a terrible ordeal.


This page is dedicated to Bonnie, mother of 4 children who has endured more in 1 year then most of us in our lifetime.

She has been sick for a while now, but recently her illness took a turn for the worse. It started when she broke her spine in December last year. While she was in hospital, she got MRSA, an infection that took 6 rounds of antibiotics to clear. While Bonnie was in the hospital, she witnessed someone attempting to commit suicide. This shook her to her core and affected her mental health. Last month she also had to have gastric surgery as her bowel got compacted and became necrotic. Part of it needed to be removed.

None of these issues have hit her as hard as the condition she is suffering from today. Akathisia. It’s literally hell. It started as side effect of medications that were prescribed. It causes extreme chemical brain damage, where parts of the brain are shutting down other parts of her body. Her kidneys and liver are no longer working well, she can’t eat, she can’t do the things she used to do. Not even little things, like making a cup of tea. Her body seems on fire from the inside out, light and noise means torture. She might not have much time left on this Earth. Bonnie would be so grateful to be able to take her children away from all this, for couple of days, into nature. However, due to her medical costs, she cant afford to pay for her meds,physio,chiro.. Lets help Bonnie!

Andrea Sokolova's involvement (page creator)


Use of funds

The money raised with help Bonnie with her medical costs, and with being able to spend quality time with her boys away in nature.

Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 04 Oct 2022
Jane on 02 Oct 2022
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 29 Sep 2022
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 26 Sep 2022
Ocean on 26 Sep 2022
Sending love to you and your family.

Who's involved?

Andrea Sokolova's avatar
Created by Andrea Sokolova
Bonnie procter's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Bonnie procter
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This campaign started on 22 Sep 2022 and ended on 13 Oct 2022.