
$5,930 donated
Given by 26 generous donors in 8 weeks

Help us to keep little hearts beating. Donate at www.mondialelifepod.com


It's going to take $2 million to produce enough LifePods to make a real difference.

That's a lot to ask for even if it's for a great cause, so we're asking you to give what you can, then share this with everyone you know.

Together we can change the world and #KeepLittleHeartsBeating.

About us

(test) Charity that loves dogs!

Our purpose is.....

Latest donations

Sheryl Kelly
Sheryl Kelly on 21 Nov 2014    Mariah's 21km to Keep Little Hearts Beating
Good on you Mariah, all the best for your run and if it gets a bit tough, just focus on those 500 bubbas! :)
Mary-Anne Mills
Mary-Anne Mills on 21 Nov 2014    Mariah's 21km to Keep Little Hearts Beating
Rachael Mills
Rachael Mills on 21 Nov 2014    Mariah's 21km to Keep Little Hearts Beating
Everything you do is for the greater good!! Keep up the good work. The world needs more people like you.
Bridget and Geoff
Bridget and Geoff on 21 Nov 2014    Mariah's 21km to Keep Little Hearts Beating
All the best Mariah!
Steve Mander
Steve Mander on 21 Nov 2014    Mariah's 21km to Keep Little Hearts Beating
Good luck for the race Mariah but just as importantly have an awesome time in the Chathams with Dad. I'm very jealous!

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Paying to a verified bank account of Mondiale LifePod (Charity)
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This campaign started on 14 Oct 2014 and ended on 13 Dec 2014.