Lightwing Sculpture Project

$70 of $7,000 goal
Given by 3 generous donors in 12 weeks

E Tu Awakairangi Hutt Public Art Trust is seeking support for the installation of a public art work the Lightwing sculpture in Seaview.


Seaview/Gracefield Sculpture

E Tu Awakairangi Hutt Public Art Trust is seeking support for the installation of a public art work.

The Lightwing sculpture will be an iconic and innovative marker for the Seaview/Gracefield area of Lower Hutt.

The sculpture is comprised of a series of “fin or feather” shapes, that stand over five metres tall. This work plays with form and light and will be installed on the Seaview/Gracefield roundabout.

This sculpture is designed by leading designer and artist Andrew Thomas in response to the special characteristics of the Seaview / Gracefield areas - its environment, history and contemporary role as a centre of industry, creativity, commerce and research.

The sculpture will be entirely made in Seaview/ Gracefield, showcasing the range and skills of businesses in the area.

There are still opportunities for local businesses and individuals to become partners in this exciting project.

The Trust has raised $230,000 towards the project with the support of the following partners:

Hutt City Council

MJH Engineering


Workshop e

HJ Asmuss

Seaview Blasting

Titan Cranes

However a further $7,000 is still required to complete this project.

Please make a donation online or contact Claire Allan at to discuss a range of sponsorship options and be part of this story.

About us

The Trust was established to foster the creation and display of public art in the Hutt Valley.”

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Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 29 May 2015
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 28 May 2015
Cant wait to see this in place. Good luck to the team who have created a very memorable edifice to recognise the importance of the area to Hutt City
Private Donor
Private Donor on 28 May 2015
Can't wait to see this sculpture in place, what an exciting addition to our community.
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 21 Apr 2015 and ended on 20 Jul 2015.