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Lily-mays surgery

$17 of $3,000 goal
Given by 4 generous donors in around 8 months

Lily-mays surgery

Hawera, Taranaki

Lily-may (5) is due to have her surgery this week to help her ears and remove her tonsils.

For the last 6 months have been rough on lily she has problems where on a good day she would be awesome happy full of life and the next she could barely hear anything 2022 she had been to the doctors for ear infections over 10 times were she would be in pain and no be her self, 2023 is supposed to be a grate year for lily as she is to start school and for her to do so she needs this surgery I would love to see lily succeed with her schooling and making friend and just being happy

If we were to go public she would have to wait 2 years I don't want her to go that long as this affects her speech and her health and could cause permanent damage to her ears

We have some money for the surgery but are unsure as of its an estimated price and could change any help is appreciated thank you ❤

Michaela Cornwall's involvement (page creator)

Lily may is my daughter

Use of funds

Medical cost and travel

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Latest update

Lily mays surgery   23 February 2023

Lily has had her surgery and starts school next week have payed a bit of the bill but the numbers just keep coming

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Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 09 Feb 2023
Wishing you a fast and speedy recovery
Michaela Cornwall

Thank you so very much really appreciate the love ❤

Michaela Cornwall
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 07 Feb 2023
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 07 Feb 2023
Daxton-Jay on 01 Feb 2023
Uncle loves you lily-may xx

Who's involved?

Michaela Cornwall's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Michaela Cornwall on behalf of Lily-may
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This campaign started on 31 Jan 2023 and ended on 12 Oct 2023.