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Please help Lily-Grace have the best head start in life.

on 16 Mar 2015

Corinne asks

Hi Amanda, I just read your article in the Courier this morning and your story resonated with me. I have 2 boys with rare genetic disorders and Oliver (12 months) also had Larangomalacia when he was born, so had to steer clear of germs too. I live in Mt Wellington and would love to have you over for a playdate, I do have a 3.5yr old, that goes to Daycare though. But could arrange on a day he isn't here. Check out our story on our Give a Little Page, called King Family.

Cheers Corinne (


Hi Corrine, thank

You very much for your message and kindness. Good idea, would be nice to meet up, I will email you. :)

Amanda Davies

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