This is our community’s golden opportunity to create a truly stunning learning facility to welcome all.
Linwood College has been rebuilt, offering a once-in-a-generation opportunity to lift the educational experience of our community’s young learners. This is our community’s golden opportunity to create a truly stunning learning facility that will welcome all.
Update 06 September 2022
Exciting! We have nearly completed all our requirements for our stunning new campus.
However, donations are still needed for the items below:
* Expansion of pastoral care initiatives.
* Whakairo (carvings) for our whare (meeting house)
We are so pleased that we are now in our new home, Te Aratai College.
Ngā mihi maioha
The Linwood College Foundation team
Linwood College Foundation Charitable Trust was set up in 2018 for the following purposes:
•To promote the educational and social advancement of students of Linwood College
• To improve opportunities for pupils by providing financial assistance to specific students
• To increase awareness of the needs of Linwood College students within the community
All donations will go towards the fit out of the school in areas of specialised education, performance art, recreational and cultural facilities, and general landscaping.
Donor Recognition at the new school 18 April 2022
Kia ora
Thank you once again for your support for Linwood College (soon to be known as Te Aratai College). It's fantastic to have your support.
If you know of anyone keen to donate to our cause can you please let them know we need their donations by 30 April so we can provide their name on the Donor inscription boards in time for Open Days in June. A practical thing! Of course donations are welcome anytime until this page closes.
Wishing you a lovely Easter Monday.
Ngā mihi maioha
The Linwood College Foundation
Kia ora Belinda Thank you for your donation, we are very appreciative of your support. We will be in touch soon. Linwood College Foundation Trust
Thank you so much Sophie for your donation and lovely message. Our school has a great future. We will be in touch soon. Linwood College Foundation team
To Sionainn Thank you so much for your two donations, your support is greatly appreciated. We will be in touch soon. Linwood College Foundation team