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Little girl, big dream. Please help Lisa to get to the transplant games in Malaga, Spain

$1,758 of $8,000 goal
Given by 14 generous donors in around 8 months

Little girl with big ambitions after her liver transplant. Help Lisa and her family get to the World transplant games in Malaga, Spain


Lisa is an active and fun loving 8 year old girl that has undergone a life saving liver transplant at the age of 5 months.

Her big goal is to participate at the world transplant games in Malaga, Spain in 2017.

We would love to travel to Malaga as a family to support Lisa and to raise awareness for organ donation.

Watching the Olympics this year, Lisa said she wants to be an Olympian one day. With a little bit of research we found the world transplant games and they have a wonderful program for children. Lisa has decided, we are going :o)

Living on a farm, Lisa loves being outside, she is a keen participant at the school cross country and atheletics day.

To participate would mean for her to see that anything is possible living with a transplant, meeting other families in similar situtaions and having a whole lot of fun!!!

All donations will go towards our travel and registration cost and to make sure Lisa has the most amazing time in Malaga

Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 21 Jun 2017
Good luck!
Jessica on 27 May 2017
Ganz viel Spaß in Spanien, Lisa! Du schaffst das!! :-)
Patricia H
Patricia H on 10 May 2017
All the best Lisa, you are an amazing young girl what spirit you have, an inspiration, I wish you well :).
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 10 May 2017
Good luck with your fund raising and your trip.
Donna on 06 Mar 2017

Who's involved?

heidi bosniakowski's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, heidi bosniakowski on behalf of Lisa Brown & Family
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This campaign started on 4 Nov 2016 and ended on 25 Jun 2017.