Earlier this month our dear friend Litisha was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer
Earlier this month our dear friend Litisha was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer, her life has been turned upside down since. Her previous normal life of preschool drop offs and work have now been taken over by MRI scans and hospital appointments with the future being unknown.
Litisha is just 29 years old and it is rare for someone of her age to have developed cancer in both breasts. She loves life and is ready to fight this terrible disease but she needs your help…….
This journey starts as soon as next week. Litisha will start off with intense chemotherapy at the highest does, in attempt to shrink the tumors, followed by surgery and radiational therapy.
This involves physical and emotional losses such as major surgery; mastectomy (removal of both breasts), the loss of her autonomy-freedom of choice (she would rather be at home with her children), loss of hair and all the other side effects that go with treatments.
With all this uncertainty we greatly appreciate if we can all pull together and support this lovely family in their time of need.
Health professionals have recommended Vitamin C infusion, which is not funded but could be extremely beneficial to Litisha’s recovery.
We are setting this page up on behalf of Litisha and Riki, any questions or messages will be answered and/or passed on to the family. We do ask for people to please respect the family’s privacy at this delicate time.
Earlier this month our dear friend Litisha was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer, The funds raised by this page are going to directly towards Litisha’s recovery, Vitamin C infusions and to support her family in this hard time. We want to ensure Litisha’s partner Riki can be there for their two beautiful girls and support Litisha without having as much financial pressure.
The funds raised by this page are going to directly towards Litisha’s recovery, Vitamin C infusions and to support her family in this hard time.
Thank you 12 June 2018
Hi everyone, just a wee update, Litisha started chemotherapy two weeks ago she has been feeling really tried but is taking it day by day and staying positive. She has been talking with her doctors and has an appointment this week to gain more of an insight into the vitamin c infusions.
Litisha and her family would like to thank everyone for the donations and warm wishes - thanks again it is so kind!