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Rescued bunny, Little Dude, needs urgent care.

  • Sorry for the radio silence

      7 June 2024

    Hey everyone. Houdini is doing really well and has blossomed into quite the character. I've still been sick and recovering from a really bad sinus infection, so apologies for the lack of updates.

    This weekend, we'll be adding the last few touches to Houdini's outdoor house. This boy is so keen and ready to be back on the grass. I'll share some pictures with updates when it's done and he's causing chaos in the garden!

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  • Welcome to the family

      28 May 2024
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    No owner has come forward, so this poor dude had indeed been abandoned.

    As far as Jamie and I are concerned, he's part of the family. We'll be adopting this little guy and have lovingly named him Houdini (after somehow managing to escape his quarantine enclosure multiple times last week).

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  • Cookies and Cuddles

      23 May 2024
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    Sorry for the lack of updates. Ended up falling sick so my brain has been all fuzzy.

    Dude is really thriving in our care, he's so lively and boisterous and full of personality. He has a very healthy appetite, which is a pleasure to see after the state he was in when we first rescued him.

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  • Enrichment Toys Arrived!

      21 May 2024
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    Bought a few toys for Dude to keep him happy. Got him a rose petal forage ball, a seagrass toss, and some apple sticks (very good for dental health too). He absolutely loves the forage ball ❤️🌹

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  • Look at that little ruby peeper!

      20 May 2024
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    Finally managed to snap a picture of Dude's left eye - he can now open it all the way and majority of the bruising is gone! Today is the last day of his meds and I'm hoping to get him in for vaccinations at the end of the week, then he can meet Labs ❤️

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  • Thank you everyone ❤️

      19 May 2024
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    Just wanted to post and say thank you so much to all our donors so far. Terri and Grace's donation has us hit $340, which has now covered Little Dude's first round of vet bills. He's come so far in our care and I have everyone's generosity to thank for that. He's so much perkier and full of life and if I can finally get him to sit still long enough, I can get a picture of his left eye. It's looking absolutely amazing and I can only imagine how much more comfortable and pain free he must be feeling. Have this adorable picture of him sleeping for now 💕 until I can get one of his gorgeous face ❤️🐰

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  • Cuddles ♥️

      18 May 2024
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    Just a cute picture of Little Dude enjoying some cuddles from Jamie.

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  • No more runny nose

      18 May 2024
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    Little Dude's runny nose has cleared up! Tomorrow I'll attempt to help him with cleaning up the fur a little. He's given himself a few small baths in the last 24 hours, I just don't think he has quite enough energy yet to give himself a full bath.

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  • His eye is looking good!

      18 May 2024
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    So much of the swelling has gone down around Dude's left eye - he can open it about halfway now! He's so much more energetic and really enjoys getting cuddles. I tried to snap a picture of his eye so everyone could see how well it's doing, but he kept running around and turning away 😂 So for now you can have this one of him with some paper on his head.

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  • Meds are going really well!

      18 May 2024
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    Dude is so good at taking his meds. I don't have to force him and he isn't stubborn about it, he willingly licks everything up if I syringe it into a spoon for him. We give him plenty of cuddles afterwards for being so good about it.

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  • Plushie Companion

      17 May 2024
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    Little Dude has to stay in quarantine until we can get his vaccinations up to date, which we can only start looking in to when his eye is better. This means he hasn't been able to meet Labsborne, our bun-son. Yesterday, we got Dude a little cuddle buddy in the meantime and he immediately snuggled up 💚💚💚

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  • He's so gentle 🥹

      17 May 2024
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    He willing takes everything from me and he's so damn gentle ❤️ The vitamins are quite big, so struggling to chew them is totally understandable. I'll keep dunking them for now and when the swelling in his face goes down more we'll see if he wants to try crunching down on them. We're going at his pace and we'll keep it that way for his comfort.

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  • The vitamins are here!

      17 May 2024
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    The vitamins I ordered for Little Dude were on the doorstep when I got home this afternoon. He's still struggling a little with pain and chewing, so I dunked the vitamins in some water for him to make it a little easier for him, when I came back 30 minutes later to check on him all 3 were gone. So glad dunking them made it easier for him ❤️

    (I also bought him some proper bowls to eat out of ❤️)

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  • A Massive Thank You

      17 May 2024
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    This is a huge thank you to an amazing family friend who transferred money to me for Little Dude. This immediately went towards some Oxbow Vitamin products to aid in quicker healing and digestive support, more critical care, and a small handful of toys for enrichment and apple sticks for dental health.

    I also have my first 2 supporters to thank for their first donations in kickstarting my page. You guys are all amazing and I know Little Dude appreciates it!

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  • Meds ✅️ Eat ✅️ Flop and Pass Out ✅️

      17 May 2024
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  • He's so chipper this morning ❤️

      17 May 2024
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    Woke up to find Little Dude had eaten all of his greens and pellets through the course of the night. Such a relief to see him eating normally and on his own. Very happily munching down on this mornings scoop of pellets. He even gave me kisses after his meds 🥹 I'm so happy for him and how far he's come.

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  • Toilet Success!

      16 May 2024

    Little Dude has managed his first FULL bowel movement! I can't even begin to imagine the relief he must be feeling!

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  • There's more poo 😭

      16 May 2024

    I never thought I would cry tears of joy at the sight of 2 more little nuggets of rabbit poo. He must be feeling so much relief already. Next feed is at midday and I'm so hoping he'll be able to get more relief from it. I'm so tired and emotional, but seeing how far this boy has already come has made all of it so worth it ❤️🐰

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      16 May 2024

    Little Dude has managed to make a tiny poo!! This is such a huge step on the road to recovery. I want to cry, I'm so happy for him!!! He hasn't done any poo since being on my care (over 48 hours now).

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  • 4 feeds down, awaiting poos

      16 May 2024
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    Another successful feed and he took all his meds like a champ 🏆💪

    I can't say I've ever wished for bunny poo more than I have in the last 12 hours. I could hear his little tummy making lots of gurgles, so maybe we get lucky when I check on him at midday! Fingers cross 🤞🏻

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  • Third Successful Feed

      16 May 2024
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    Little Dude was rather fussy for the 23:30 feed and it took close to 30 minutes to eat everything.

    Our 4am feed was consumed at light speed and now he's dozing and loafing . Hoping to see that first poo by the next feed and then we'll be sure he's on the road to recovery.

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  • First Syringe Feed

      15 May 2024

    Had the first syringe feed to get Little Dude's tummy back on track. It was an absolute mess, but as soon as he realized it was mushy food that didn't need to be chewed, he basically sucked the food out the syringe. Another syringe in 4 hours. In the morning he gets another dose of antibiotics and painkillers. He's already so much perkier!

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