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Help for Zaks surgery and recovery treatment.

  • Home time!

      17 June 2015
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    Our little Zak is a little healing superstar! After spending the weekend with his friends at the vet it was decided that he was well enough to say good bye to them and come home with us. He is still sporting enough staples to put Officemax out of business, but these will be removed on Monday. He has been prescribed strict kennel rest for at least a month which he has not taken kindly to. He seems to think everything is as it should be, but he is still a very injured little pup. His adopted sister pup is taking some convincing that playtime has to wait too.

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  • Small step for Zak, giant leap for recovery!

      11 June 2015
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    Big day for our little fighter today! He was up and walking around, he even made himself comfortable in the linen cupboard of the kennel room. His bandages also came off and his wounds, although large, are looking good. Although his IV line was not in at the time of our visit, he is still receiving fluids and pain relief.

    He is needing encouragement to eat (read syringe feeding) but we are planning to take a little bit of his favourite foods down to see if we can entice him to take a nibble for himself. We will also be taking him down a blanket or two of his own, just for that secure homely smell to help him through the upcoming weekend.

    The future is looking up for our wee Zak!

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