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Long road to recovery for a young mum!!

on 3 Dec 2022

Sharon asks

Hi, have donated, but would also like to offer tickets to the Shands Rd Xmas Lights show for the children. How can I get these to you?


Hello Sharon, you are amazing 😭♥️ I was going to take the 4 kiddies tonight being so lovely out ☀️ if you email me - my email is, I will send you my number to call ♥️😁

Samantha Coe
on 17 Nov 2022

Jo asks

Hi what a horrible thing to happen to them! Just FYI ACC in NZ should help with costs just in case they don't know to reach out to them. Speedy recovery to them both


Hello Jo, thank you so much for your message, we have tried and tried, but we have been told no... if you have any further information i would love to hear from you.

Kindest regards


Samantha Coe

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