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Cut it or Keep it (for Hospice Wanganui)

$506 donated
Given by 17 generous donors in around 3 months

I have long hair and want you to vote with your dollars on whether I cut it or keep it. I'll get the haircut - Hospice gets the $$!

Manawatu / Whanganui

Vote for me to cut or keep my long hair.

Hospice Whanganui's involvement (page creator)

I'm the Public Relations Manager for Hospice Whanganui

About us

We provide specialist palliative care for people with life-limiting illnesses, at all stages of their illness. We believe that everyone deserves to have the best quality of life possible. The care we provide for our patients is holistic, caring for not just your physical needs but also your emotional, spiritual, and social needs too. We care for family/whānau and friends as well, both before and after death. All our services are free of charge yet we are less than 50% funded by the government and rely heavily on donations and fundraising to keep our service running.

Latest donations

James Hanford-Cable
James Hanford-Cable on 14 May 2015
Cut it. Cut it. Cut it.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 09 May 2015
Alarm Watch
Alarm Watch on 09 May 2015
Can you get a perm? :-) We need more people in the world like you.
Debz on 01 May 2015
Keep your beautiful locks. You're doing wonderful work for this wonderful cause... oh and you're wonderful, ma petite fromage ;)
Karina on 01 May 2015
You are an amazing woman Valda :) Cut it! Hospice is amazing. The staff were fantastic with my Dad, always had a warm smile for him and helped him keep his awesome sense of humor through everything he was going through. Well done!

Who's involved?

Hospice Wanganui's avatar
Created by Hospice Whanganui, paying to a verified bank account of Hospice Wanganui (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 13 Feb 2015 and ended on 15 May 2015.