Lost everything in floods

$5,632 donated
Given by 112 generous donors in 8 weeks

Help Peter rebuild his life after he lost everything in the Auckland floods.


Last night my uncle Peter lost everything he owns in the floods. Within minutes the river next to his house had burst and water was up to his knees in his home. He had to quickly escape. Understandably he is still in shock. His home in karekare was completely destroyed and everything in it. He does not have insurance and was renting his home that he has lived in for 10 years. Now he has the up hill battle of trying to find somewhere to live and replace all his possessions, whilst in a level 4 lockdown. My uncle is out of work and now and all his tools were destroyed.

My family and I humbly ask if you can in anyway please donate. Funds will be going to Peter to rebuild his life from scratch. If you know of any emergency rentals please contact us.

Every donation, share and prayer we are so grateful for .

Charleen King Stevens' involvement (page creator)

Peter is my uncle, I have been asked by the family to organise this while they struggle to come to terms with what has happened

Use of funds

Finding somewhere to live and replacing furniture, clothes, food, car, tools.

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Message from Peter   7 September 2021

We are so overwhelmed by the donations, kind words and support we have received. Here is a quick video from Peter. An amazing woman has let Peter stay at her Bach for free until we are in level 2. Giving Peter time to get his head around things and search for a new rental. The amount of beautiful people out there is just humbling.

Nga Mihi

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Latest donations

Martin on 22 Sep 2021
Hoping Peter gets back on his feet soon.
Charleen King Stevens

Thank you so much Martin, that is so generous and we really are so grateful, this will help Peter so much 🙏

Charleen King Stevens
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 10 Sep 2021
Charleen King Stevens

Thank you so much for taking the time to donate to us, you are so generous and we are so humbled. Thank you 🤍❤️

Charleen King Stevens
Catherine on 09 Sep 2021
Charleen King Stevens

Thankyou so much Catherine for your generous donation. We are so grateful bless you 🙏🤍

Charleen King Stevens
Mike on 09 Sep 2021
Charleen King Stevens

Mike thank you so much mate. This helps Peter so much and we are all so grateful to you 🙏❤️

Charleen King Stevens
Joleen on 08 Sep 2021
Just a small something to help. Love and light from Steve and Joleen from up the road (LKR)
Charleen King Stevens

Thank you so much Steve and Joleen. Such a beautiful community rallying around Peter in this hard time. We feel your love and are truly grateful thank you 🙏❤️

Charleen King Stevens

Who's involved?

Charleen King Stevens's avatar
Created by Charleen King Stevens
Emily Arnold-King's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Emily Arnold-King on behalf of Peter King
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This campaign started on 31 Aug 2021 and ended on 27 Oct 2021.