Love & Support for Hugo and his family as he fights Cancer

$44,529 donated
Given by 430 generous donors in around 6 months

We hope this page will offer a chance to provide support and financial assistance to Hugo and his family during this challenging time.


Today, we reach out to you with heavy hearts to share the story of Sam & Aaron’s deeply loved little boy Hugo, who is facing a battle no child should ever have to fight.

In a matter of days, after feeling unwell, sweet, loving Hugo, was diagnosed with Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma, a cancer, which unknowingly had metastasised to his lungs and bones.

It was then that the world fell apart for his beautiful family.

Only a few weeks earlier, 9 year old Hugo was enjoying his summer holidays, practicing magic tricks, riding his bike, playing basketball and having fun with his friends & adoring family. But now the plans they had for their year suddenly look very different.

Hugo is facing an incredibly difficult path with an aggressive chemotherapy and radiation treatment plan that spans several years. The road to recovery will be full of challenges for Hugo, his Mum, Dad and little brother Louis. Our hearts break for what they’ve had to experience thus far, and for what they will endure moving forward.

As a community, we believe in the power of unity and compassion. The Donaldsons mean so very much to us and we know that so many of you feel the same way.

The financial burden of medical expenses and other unforeseen costs is overwhelming, so ultimately we would love this page to allow them the freedom to make the best choices for Hugo without delay.

We are so grateful that so many of you have reached out to help and we’d like to sincerely thank you all on behalf of Sam, Aaron & their families.

Amelia Bray & Nicole Russell's involvement (page creator)

Amelia and Nicole are loving friends of the Donaldsons and their families.

Use of funds

Assist with non-funded medical treatments, surgeries & therapies required for Hugo's recovery (we are currently not aware of what is or isn't covered by the public health system yet but will update them when they are known).

Also to alleviate the financial burden by covering daily expenses such as groceries, utilities, and necessities while Sam & Aaron are unable to work at full capacity.

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End of front line update  18 July 2024

Posted by: Samantha Donaldson

Hi everyone,

We are pleased to share that Hugo has reached a significant milestone of finishing his front line treatment! Last week, he completed his final round of front line chemo and wrapped up 5.5 weeks of daily radiation. This is a huge step forward, and we couldn't be prouder of our brave boy.

We have to wait until the end of August for his next scans, but the good news is that his scans from May showed further positive progress. Hugo continues to amaze us with his resilience, positive attitude, and unbreakable sense of humor. Soon Hugo will begin daily oral chemo which he will take for 2 years.

We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who has contributed to Hugo's give-a-little page. Your generosity allows us to dedicate as much time as possible to supporting Hugo and to go above and beyond the standard of care - engaging with experts within NZ and the US and implementing those solutions. We also deeply appreciate everyone who has supported us in other ways, from sending messages of encouragement, preparing dinners, sharing coffees, being a listening ear or shoulder to cry on, playing games of football, play dates with our boys or giving gifts that bring smiles to our boys' faces.

While the journey is not over, we celebrate this milestone and look forward to the next stage with hope in our hearts.

Thank you for being with us every step of the way.


Aaron, Sam, Hugo, Louis, and Coco

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Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 02 Jun 2024
Tessa on 11 May 2024
Thinking of you guys, such good news to hear the tumours have shrunk. Lots of hope and love for the journey that continues xxx Tess, Matt & Charlie
Marie on 04 May 2024
Thinking of you all - stay strong
Miss Saville & Family X
Miss Saville & Family X on 01 May 2024
Adrian on 01 May 2024
With a daughter the same age as Hugo, this really hit home for us Sam. Wishing you and your fam all the best for the road ahead ❤️

Who's involved?

Amelia Bray & Nicole Russell's avatar
Created by Amelia Bray & Nicole Russell
Samantha Donaldson's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Samantha Donaldson
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This campaign started on 11 Feb 2024 and ends on 3 Feb 2025.