Loving Husband and father little hope

$768 donated
Given by 23 generous donors in 4 weeks

Dad's little hope


Hello everyone

This is 'Dad' to so many of you- I have struggled with the decision to raise funds for my husband- asking for help publicly is excruciatingly painful- i have written this out many times in my mind and on paper but have always stopped myself from publicly asking for help. however we feel like time is running out- 15 months ago my husband had a slight stiff knee- and cramps- we went to the dr after things progressed- there was no evidence of anything wrong so we waited- this progressively got worse until the entire leg was swollen and stuck totally stiff- this then lead to his left arm- left leg- now right leg- swallowing and breathing are becoming difficult at times- his speech is slurred to the point of not understanding him sometimes. We have had what I feel is mild standard tests- all referrals have been declined to any specialist so we are now seeking private medical care. I'm so scared for our children and my husband I just need help- I'm caring for my husband now and he can't work- it's not deemed a accident so no help from ACC. I am now regretfully putting our family at the mercy of all of you to gain some funding to support us through medical appointment and hopefully treatment. Thanks so much for reading this

Use of funds

Medical care- appointments- neurologist- equipment- ramp

Latest update

Progress   15 January 2024

Hey everyone. Thanks for your incredible support I am absolutely amazed and thankful. Dad has had a devastating downward spiral. We thought he was showing signs of improvement only for it to be taken back by this cruel disease . Dad lost the ability to speak and walk . His speech has improved by his strength is getting worse. He is feeling sad. Scared. Angry. Frustrated. He has been falling out of bed and struggling to get him up. And support or funding is honestly impossible!! I'm fighting though! I would like to urgently get Dad second hand electric bed. His bed is broken. I have given up work to care for him full time. This has come at a cost! Definitely a worthy cost!! Please keep supporting or let us know if you could help with any second hand equipment we could borrow until it's not needed then we would pass it on.

I really truly love you guys!

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Latest donations

JoAnn on 17 Jan 2024
Sarah Smith

Joanne thanks so very much for your generosity. I really appreciate you so much love 😍

Sarah Smith
Livvy on 17 Jan 2024
Sarah Smith


Sarah Smith
Ann on 16 Jan 2024
With Love
Sarah Smith

Thanks kindly Anne . Appreciate it

Sarah Smith
Kate on 16 Jan 2024
Sarah Smith

Awww Kate thanks so very much sweetie that's really kind of you 😍 ♥

Sarah Smith
Daniel on 12 Jan 2024
Keeping y'all in my preys for healing and recovery Yes in JESUS CHRIST HOLY NAME AMEN ✝️🙏💯☝️🔥💦🙌❤️
Sarah Smith

Thank you so much Daniel God bless you appreciate your prayers ♥

Sarah Smith

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Sarah Smith's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Sarah Smith
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This campaign started on 6 Jan 2024 and ended on 6 Feb 2024.