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Lylah- Jay's Give a Little Page!

$12,792 of $27,000 goal
Given by 82 generous donors in around 6 months

Please help us in raising funds to purchase a new wheelchair for Lylah to give her the independence she deserves.

Manawatu / Whanganui

Rewind back 13 and a half years ago and I was blessed with an old soul that belonged to a sweet wee girl who I named Lylah-Jay. I didn’t know what was in store for me and her but someone else did. Lylah was born with Arthrogryposis which means she has stiff joints and low muscle tone. The Dr said Lylah wouldn’t walk and pretty much live life having everything done for her.

Will this is far from the truth!! I decided through all of the pain and struggle, that Lylah was going to have every opportunity that was possible.

Fast forward 13 and a half years and Lylah is at High school, loves learning and is so intelligent it blows me away. Swims independently, draws, writes types, brushes her teeth, and so much more. All of this with her feet. She has a passion for art, cooking and swimming. A few weeks ago Lylahs power-chair died on us and unfortunately these are not cheap. This is Lylahs independence outside of the home. She is having to be pushed in a manual chair at school and when we are out and about. Meaning she is having to be lifted in and out of a chair and Sitting in a chill out room because she can not be out in the quad Independently at lunchtime.

It breaks my heart to see her so miserable. We are looking for help into funding a new chair to give this teen who looks beyond the world her independence back and that beautiful smile. It pains me to ask for help as I truly know that there is a lot of people worse off than us. So please see this as a genuine request and need x

Love Amber, Lylahs mum and biggest cheerleader 📣

Claire Fromont's involvement (page creator)

As a mother of a wonderful young man who is a similar age to Lylah-Jay and who has the same rare condition, I understand the pain Lylah-Jay and her family are going through without the use of her custom power wheelchair!

Use of funds

A new power wheelchair.

Latest donations

Nana Fitness
Nana Fitness on 12 Aug 2018
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 27 Jul 2018
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Guest Donor on 26 Jun 2018
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Guest Donor on 10 Jun 2018
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Guest Donor on 27 May 2018

Who's involved?

Claire Fromont's avatar
Created by Claire Fromont
Amber McQuitty's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Amber McQuitty on behalf of Lylah-Jay Packer
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This campaign started on 20 Feb 2018 and ended on 21 Aug 2018.