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McDowell & Parkinsons (Macchu Pichu)

$10,500 of $22,385 goal
Given by 36 generous donors in around 6 months

Andy McDowell (51) is walking the Inca Trail to raise awareness & funds for research into neurological conditions. Help him get there.


On July 24th 2017 The Ambassador Project will ascend to Macchu Pichu, gathering Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Advocates from around the world to raise awareness and funds for various local charities.

I have been asked to join the team and it is my intention to fly to Peru in July.

I require $12,385 to adequately prepare and get to Peru. Once I have raised that amount every subsequent dollar will be donated to the Neurological Foundation of New Zealand. (Target $10,000)

For clarity I am raising funds to get there first and the Neurological Foundation will receive every $ banked over that amount.

Day 1 is an 11 km trek at 3,000 m above sea level

Day 2 is a 12 km climb up to 4,200 m (the highest point)*

Day 3 is a 16 km trek, and

Day 4 a 6 km hike.

I have begun my physical conditioning, and am working out what i need to do to get there and get up and down in one piece.

If you can help in anyway I'm very grateful.

* As a comparison NZ's own Mt Aoraki (Cook) stands 3,725 metres (12,220 feet)

Andy McDowell's involvement (page creator)

I'm involved because I was diagnosed with early onset Parkinson's in 2009 (aged 44) and can no longer work in my professional field due to the affect PD has had on me. In 2014 I underwent neurosugery - a procedure called Deep Brain Stimulation. Despite the visible improvement in my motor symptoms Parkinson's is an (as yet ) incurable, degenerative, neurological disorder and I am still in it's grip. I am a homedad to my two girls - whilst my wife works.

I have turned my hand to raising awareness and raising funds, making short films, blogging, public speaking in NZ, Australia and the USA. I have worked with Parkinson's New Zealand, The Neurological Foundation of NZ, The Brian Grant Foundation, YOPD and the World Parkinson's Coalition. Recently I presented at a Plenary session at the World Parkinson's Congress in Portland, USA.

For this project I am raising funds for The Neurological Foundation of New Zealand. I have chosen them because they invest solely in brain research - the key to a future cure.

I also require funds to ; prepare my body (pilates, physio, physical trainers); to have the right equipment ( packs, boots poles etc) ; to get there (flights and accomodation - incl 4 days to acclimate) and for the Guide Company (tents, food, sherpa etc)

This is an extremely hard task for someone with PD and I admit to feeling very intimidated by the challenge.

I can currently walk up to 10 km at sea level. But it "wipes me out" and my balance is not the best.

The trail up to Macchu Pichu involves 45 km's over 4 days at a very high altitude. The highest point is 4,200 metres. (13,780 feet) *


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Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 20 Apr 2017
Wishing you the best of luck for your climb - go well!
Andy McDowell

Thank you ever so much .... Andy

Andy McDowell
Michelle Martin-The Irie Tulip
Michelle Martin-The Irie Tulip on 13 Apr 2017
Thank you so much for fighting the good fight, and representing!
Andy McDowell

Thanks Michelle. Hugely appreciate your support. Andy

Andy McDowell
Suzie Lamborn
Suzie Lamborn on 11 Apr 2017
Love your work Andy! You're an inspiration. Suzie x
Andy McDowell

Thanks Suzie xo

Andy McDowell
Greg Cook
Greg Cook on 30 Mar 2017
Go for it Andy
Andy McDowell

Thanks Greg.

Andy McDowell
Baker Family
Baker Family on 30 Mar 2017
Good luck and Enjoy
Andy McDowell

Thank you.

Andy McDowell

Who's involved?

Andy McDowell's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Andy McDowell
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This campaign started on 7 Nov 2016 and ended on 30 Apr 2017.