Lip Tie Procedure

$250 of $297 goal
Given by 12 generous donors in 9 days

Maddison is 2 months old and needs to have her lip tie cut so we can improve our breastfeeding.


Maddison is 2 months old and at 6 weeks old we finally found out why she was having a hard time breastfeeding. She has a upper lip tie.

I searched to find out what needs to happen and have been told by many people that the best place to go to is Old Villa Dental in Hamilton where the procedure is done within 8 minutes, is pain free and minimal to no blood. As I called to ask questions and to hopefully get booked it I was told the price $297.00NZD. Now this is a lot for our family of 5 as we live week to week on our income.

I'd like to get this procedure done as soon as possible so I can continue to give my daughter the best without all the fuss of a shield or continuous slipping off and the stress is causes during her feeds. This procedure will help both Maddison and I with our breastfeeding so I can give her what she needs for longer and it'll be stress free.

Thank you for your help in giving us the best chance at breastfeeding.

Latest donations

xxxx on 07 Apr 2016
Nanny mess again
Nanny mess again on 07 Apr 2016
Chris on 01 Apr 2016
For little Maddison
Nanny on 31 Mar 2016
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 30 Mar 2016

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kerianne hunter's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, kerianne hunter
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This campaign started on 28 Mar 2016 and ended on 7 Apr 2016.