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Madison's Search for Answers - help me fund tests to confirm my diagnosis so I can access treatment

  • Update

      2 September 2024

    Hi everyone.

    First of thank you SO much to everyone who has donated. I will be reopening the page to continue fundraising for medical treatments. At the moment we are awaiting scans to confirm a second vascular compression before making a plan of actions. So far the funds donated have been going towards expensive private specialist appointments, as treatment for AVCS is not available publicly in New Zealand. I cannot express my gratitude towards each and every person who donated enough.

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  • Update 23/09/2023

      23 September 2023

    Hi everyone,

    I want to start by saying the BIGGEST thank you to each and every one of you that donated or shared <3 Words cannot express my gratitude, and I truly hope one day I can pay your kindness forward :)

    As of yet there are no updates on the scans, still waiting to hear from the Doctor. Due to my symptoms worsening, I am now on a pure nutritional drink diet, that costs $103 per prescription, but without which I risk severe malnutrition.

    Thanks again everyone who donated and shared :) I will update again soon... hopefully with more exciting news!!

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